Joe's clueless female energy secretary demands energy companies start producing more energy
The brazenness of these Dems is almost unbelievable. Biden's handlers hate oil, gas and coal. On his first day in office bidenfail ordered the company building the Keystone pipeline to stop work (stranding a billion dollars of large-diameter steel pipe in fields), and halted leasing in offshore waters, and ordered that no new drilling permits be issued for the Gulf of Mexico. All designed to cut U.S. oil supplies.
Just one week ago, energy secretary Jennifer Granholm said higher energy price were just something we were going to have to put up with as we "transitioned" to an economy that did not run on oil and gas, but on made-up, imaginary sources of energy that child-minded progressive Democrats prefer.
During his first campaign Barack Obama proudly declared that under his plan of punishing producers of oil, gas and coal, "energy prices will necessarily skyrocket." The plan was intended to cripple production of oil, gas and coal, artificially inflating the costs of each, in order to make the sky-high costs of fake energy look competitive.
But as voters start feeling the financial pain of this deliberate policy, the Democrats start making excuses--like fast-soaring gasoline prices are "Putin's price hike."
Which all of the NPCs then start repeating.

Then the Dems start bleating about Taking Strong Steps to reduce the huge economic cost--which were intended--of their own stupid policies. Like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Of course they could get prices to fall by simply rolling back their stupid
energy-limiting policies--but they won't even consider that:. They intend their energy-punishing policies to be permanent. Steps ike releasing oil from the petroleum reserve are theater,
intended to make the rubes believe the Dems are Doing Something about soaring energy prices. And of course the Lying Mainstream Media will cheer that this is very effective and brilliant.
All the energy-destroyers need to do is get voters to think they're NOT trying to kill energy, until a couple of months pass and voters accept the New Normal of Permanently Elevated Energy Prices.
So here's Jennifer Granholm making another one of these fool-the-rubes stunts, while refusing to even consider rolling back her own Department's energy-destroying measures which are driving the high cost of energy--which of course was the entire point of those new rules.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm publicly called on oil and natural gas producers in the United States to boost output while the country is on a "war footing."President Biden's most senior energy official made the remarks as the administration looks for ways to reduce gas prices, which have skyrocketed even further during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"We are on a war footing," the energy secretary told an economic forum in Houston on Wednesday. "We are in an emergency, and we have to responsibly increase short-term supply where we can right now to stabilize the market and minimize harm to American families."
Oh, so now you're claiming you're concerned about the effect on American families. But a week ago you were delighted with rising gas prices, to force people to buy crappy electric cars.
Remember Obama: they want energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket."
And sure enough...
Lefties were swarming that tweet by a local CBS news station, pointing out that it's known to be one of the highest-price gas stations in California.
Why you can still get gasoline at $5.60 at most places, they say.
$5.60 a gallon? I didn't realize that some places were practically giving gas away these days!
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Demands Energy Companies Do Their Part and Start Producing More Energy
The absolute balls.
Recall that just one week ago, Jennifer Granholm said flatly that the higher costs of energy we were suffering was just something we were going to have to get through as we "transitioned" to an economy that did not run on oil and gas, but on made-up, imaginary sources of energy that child-minded progressive retards prefer.
So this is their entire plan. As Barack Obama admitted -- or proudly declared -- that under his plan of punishing real energy production, "energy prices will necessarily skyrocket." They intended to artificially inflate the costs of real energy by several times in order to make the sky-high costs of fake energy appear competitive with it.
But then, when people start feeling the pain of this deliberate policy, they start making excuses, like this being "Putin's price hike."
Which all of the NPCs then start repeating.

And they also start talking about workarounds to the intended consequences of their own policies, like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
They could achieve a much larger effect by simply rolling back their oil-limiting policies, of course, but they will not even consider that: They intend their energy-punishing policies to be permanent. Temporary band-aids like releasing some oil from the petroleum reserve are intended to just be temporary, something to get the energy-destroyers past a bad couple of weeks of polling while they wait for the public to accept the New Normal of Permanently Elevated Energy Prices.
So here's Jennifer Granholm making another one of these temporary token workaround efforts while refusing to even consider rolling back her own Department's energy-destroying measures which are driving the high cost of energy.
Which was the entire intended point of them.
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm publicly called on oil and natural gas producers in the United States to boost output while the country is on a "war footing."President Biden's most senior energy official made the remarks as the administration looks for ways to reduce gas prices, which have skyrocketed even further during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"We are on a war footing," the energy secretary told an economic forum in Houston on Wednesday. "We are in an emergency, and we have to responsibly increase short-term supply where we can right now to stabilize the market and minimize harm to American families."
Notice -- we have to increase "short-term supply."
They want to keep long-term supply limited, because they want energy prices to "necessarily skyrocket."
But there are crisis points when the public may just react and rebel, and at those crisis points, you have to mollify them with a short-term palliative.
Before going right back to performing painful surgery on them, forever.

Lefties were swarming that tweet by a local CBS news station, pointing out that it's known to be one of the highest-price gas stations in California.
Why you can still get gasoline at $5.60 at most places, they say.
Oh. I did not realize they were just giving gas away these days!
Source. Ace of Spades
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