March 24, 2022

Biden pic to head medical division of HHS pushed for govt to put schoolkids on sex-change hormones, refuses to answer direct questions

The person below--who goes by the name "Rachael Levine"--was picked by bidenfail to head the medical division of Health and Human Services.

Now brace yourselves for a surprising revelation: "Rachael" is NOT actually a woman.

I know that may be hard to believe, cuz "Rachael" pulls off posing as female SO well!  I mean, it's really hard to believe, right?  But amazingly, "Rachael" was born "Richard."

Bidenfail appointed Levine because his handlers told him choosing a tranny to fill such a high-level government position would win the strong appoval of the powerful trans community.  Biden's handlers selected Levine even though Levine has pushed government at all levels to inject school-kids eith sex-change hormones without notifying the parents, and has even pushed to have gruberment take kids away from their parents if the parents don't want their kid to be given that normally irreversible "treatment."

Now watch the VERY revealing video below, of Rand Paul questioning Levine.about those policy recommendations by Levine before being chosen for the post.  When Paul asks Levine bluntly "Do you stand by those recommendations today?" Levine REPEATEDLY REFUSES TO ANSWER, instead bleating "If I'm confirmed, senator, I'd be happy to come to your office and discuss this."

But of course after the senate voted to confirm it would be too late for any sleazy revelations to de-rail its confirmation, right?

This appointment is a thumb to the eye of all normal Americans, and Levine's repeated refusal to answer the senator's questions is an outrage.  And yet Levine was confirmed, cuz no senator wanted to risk the anger of the tranny community.

Such is the state of America today under Democrat rule.  Does anyone believe other nations aren't laughting their asses off at the stupidity and pandering of the biden*harris regime?

Thanks, Democrats.


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