January 10, 2022

WaPo "reporter" in March of 2021: "Covid deaths are Trump's fault!!" Later: president can't affect virus deaths!

You have to hand it to the Democrats and their Mainstream Media supporters:  They are SO TOTALLY FLEXIBLE when it comes to whether responsibility for failing to fix a problem should lie with a president.

Example: The Washington Compost has a "reporter" by the name of  Jennifer Rubin, who tweeted this when Trump was in office: 

So..."blood on Trump's and his enablers' hands," eh Jen?  Would that be because he ordered people with the virus to be put in nursing homes without being isolated from the other residents, thus dooming about 30,000 residents of NY and Michigan?

Or would you like to claim that Trump banned Americans from using two KNOWN SAFE, already approved drugs HCQ and ivermectin, that cure the virus in three or four days, eh?  Oh wait, that would be Biden's FDA and CDC, and a handful of diabolical Democrat governors who didn't know jack about drugs or viruses but STILL threatened to yank the medical license of any doctor who prescribed either?

Or would you care to claim that the problem was that Trump didn't demand that everyone wear a mask?  Oh wait, your Lord Fauci insisted masks didn't help a bit--before changing his claim to "You must all wear masks," even while emailing friends to say they didn't help.  Hmmm...

But regardless of all that, here's Jen a bit...later.  Like, yesterday.  And my how her views have changed!

AH...NOW it's "I'm not sure the president can do a whole lot about either" covid or the economy.  Nice pivot, Jen.  So what got you to change your mind about presidents and covid, eh?  Oh yeah: Your party now controls every level of government, including porridgebrain.

What a difference, eh?  But don't worry, Jen or liberals/democrats:  Voters won't notice your total reversal of position.  Besides, even if a few did, you could get the Post and its allies to convince the majority of voters that you've ALWAYS been, like, TOTALLY consistent!  

And besides, even if a majority of voters voted to kick your worthless, corrupt pols out of power, you'd just have vote counters in six key states fudge the count a bit more and Voila: another Dem sweep, just as in last November, and then in January with the two Georgia senate seats.

Who cares about consistency when you own the Media and can get the courts to refuse to hear a single case of fraud, eh Jen?


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