January 10, 2022

Life-long ardent Democrat gets hurt by Dem policy, complains that no Dem pol cared, then swears she still supports...

If you want to see what conservatives are up against--why the Dems were able to steal the election and install the worst president in our history--take a look at a piece in the totally-Dem-loving rag "The Atlantic."

The piece is written by "Angie," a life-long, enthusiastic supporter of the Democratic party.  She's a working single mom who was stunned by how the quickly Party officials in EVERY Dem-ruled city and state supported closing schools during the plandemic.

She writes, "I was a loyal, left-leaning Democrat, and had been my whole life.  I went to protests. I hated Donald Trump.  But because of what my family has gone through during the pandemic, I can’t muster the same enthusiasm. I feel adrift from my tribe."

[but says she's "disgusted with *both* parties."]

She says when Cleveland schools went to all-remote learning, forcing her two young children to stay home, she couldn't work full-time.  So not only did her income drop, but her children didn't learn as much during the remote learning experiment.

"I kept hoping that someone in our all-Democratic political leadership would take a stand on behalf of our public-school children.  Weren’t Democrats supposed to stick up for low-income kids?  Instead our Democratic mayor didn't support re-opening the schools.  Same for our all-Democratic city council.

"The same thing happened in other blue cities and blue states across the country:  the needs of children were simply ignored. Cleveland's Democrat rulers went so far as to close playgrounds for an entire year. That felt *almost* mean-spirited, given the research suggesting the negligible risk of outdoor transmission and low risk to children."

Schmidt said when she used social media to speak out against school closures she was "shouted down and abused, accused of being a Trumper who didn’t care if teachers died."

She accused the Democratic Party of "exaggerating the risks of COVID-19 to children" and not acknowledging the negatives of children wearing face masks.

Now for the kicker:  Despite her grievances toward her Party, she proclaimed, "None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse."

So there's what conservatives are up against:  Ardent members of the Democrat Party see that policies their party supports are hurting them, but instead of changing parties, the injured supporters continue to support the Party.

Back when Stalin was executing thousands of his citizens for criticizing the regime, there were several reports that just before an accused person was executed by Stalin's thugs, he would loudly and earnestly proclaim "I still support the Glorious Revolution" (i.e. the one that brought the communists to power).

It's amazing how many victims still support eevil ideologies even as they're being executed for making some innocent remark that someone overheard.

Of course those stories are almost impossible to verify, eh?  And even if a dozen witnesses confirmed the story, party supporters would simply say it was a conspiracy by "enemies of the Revolution."

Angie has gotten a whiff of how Democrat policies hurt the people they piously claim to be helping.  No matter--she'll be an enthusiastic Democrat supporter for the rest of her life.


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