January 09, 2022

Democrats in Cali pushing to DOUBLE that state's income-based taxes--while dodging any responsibility!

You don't live in California, so you almost certainly don't think what happens there has any effect on you, eh?  That's wrong, and I'll tell you why later.  First let's see what the Democrats who RULE that state with total control (which they've had for years) are about to do:

California already has some of the highest taxes in the United States, rivaled only by New York and Illinois.  But state Democrat pols want more--always.  So they're now pushing an amendment to the state constitution that would roughly double the state’s taxes on income and businesses.

It’s estimated that the amendment would increase state revenue by $163 billion a year, which is more revenue than California had ever seen in an entire year before 2020. That means it would effectively double the state’s income-based taxes.  According to the Tax Foundation , if the amendment passes it will increase the average household’s taxes by a staggering $12,250 each year.

The proposed amendment, ACA 11, would hike several key taxes to fund a state-level government healthcare scheme.  But that's just theater--a smokescreen--because no matter how much more tax revenue state Democrats seize from taxpayers, the federal government won't decrease fed contributions to the state for Medicare and Medicaid by a single dollar.  So where will this huge new revenue stream go?

Well, ten or twenty BILLION will be used to give totally "free" health care to illegal aliens--something that national Democrats piously claimed would NEVER be legal.  This will cement illegals into voting Democrat.  And since some Cali cities have already allowed illegal aliens to vote in state and local elections, legalization by the whole state is just months away.

But the bulk of the new windfall will almost certainly be used to enrich Democrat cronies.  And it's absolutely certain that once these new taxes become law, they will NEVER be repealed.

Now let's look at a couple of questions that show how cunning the Dem pols are in grabbing an EXTRA $12,250 per year from the average family in that state:  Instead of ramming a tax-raising bill through the state "assembly"--which they totally control--the Dems set up this massive tax increase as a constitutional amendment, which only takes effect if approved by voters.  Why would they do that?

Simple: Putting it to a vote allows the Dem politicians to dodge responsibility.  "WE din't increase yo' taxes, YOU did!"  It's brilliant.

Second: If you think this amendment won't pass unless a majority of *voters* approve, think again:  All the Dems need is a majority of the votes officially TALLIED.  And as we've seen time and time again, the official tally can easily be rigged if the corruptocrats aren't afraid of getting caught.  And since the Dems rule the assembly, and the Assembly would have to call foul to start any investigation...you get it.

Now: why is this relevant to you, eh?  Because if you live in a Dem-ruled state, this sort of thing is guaranteed to be repeated there.


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