January 10, 2022

If you thought "justices" on the "supreme" court had to be well-informed, think again

I'll bet y'all thought "justices" appointed to the "supreme court" were supposed to be smart and well-informed, right?   At least that's what I thought.  But...surprise!

How can any reasonably literate adult American not know that the "scary" omicron variant hasn't killed a single American yet, and looks to be about as dangerous as the common cold?

And how can anyone hire staffers so incompetent (or dumb) that they'd feed her the "100,000 children hospitalized, many in critical condition and on ventilators," when the reality is 3,400 in hospitals and virtually none in critical condition or on a ventilator unless they had a co-morbidity?

But as someone noted, no Mainstream Media figure will ridicule her for those comments, because she's doing what the Left/Democrats want.  Most media outlets haven't even mentioned it, cuz hey, not newsworthy.  Or something.

Now imagine how the Lying Mainstream Media would have reacted if Trump had said the same things.

Ah, at last a few people seem to have noticed:

Oh wait, it was the satire sight Babylon Bee.  Oh well.


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