August 12, 2021

Peer-reviewed paper shows the regime's lies about whether the vax is safe or effective

The biden*fail regime is relentlessly pushing every American to take the vax.  Part of this push is to claim the vax is both totally safe AND effective.

Obviously part of this claim ("vax is effective") hinges on listeners believing that if you get the vax, you won't get the chinese virus.  But the rapidly-growing number of "breakthrough cases"--people who got the virus despite being fully vaccinated--make that claim...suspect.

So the regime quietly shifted their claim to "Well, perhaps it's possible that if you take the jab you might still get the virus, but since you took the vax your symptoms won't be nearly as severe.

Then when fully-vaxxed people started dying after getting the virus (i.e. "breakthrough case deaths") the regime shifted again, now claiming that people who refuse to take the vax are literally murdering innocent children.

Seriously, that's the regime's claim now.

But that's not all:  the regime is actively trying to discredit anyone who says anything negative about the vax.  One branch of that effort is the regime's claim that there's not a single peer-reviewed scientific paper showing the vax is risky, or possibly not effective in protecting people from the virus.

And when the Mainstream Media eagerly publishes regime claims, and ignores conflicting views, it's easy to get low-info voters to agree with the regime.

Well... you've never heard about a journal called the "International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and  Research," but it's real, and last May it published a highly technical 42-page paper that gets into the details of why the vaccines are suspect.

Unless you're conversant with virus theory you don't want to read it (trust me on this), but take a quick look at the link to see if your believe the authors of the paper know what they're doing.  And they are extremely skeptical about how the various mRNA "vaccines" work.

Point here is that Media shills for the biden*fail regime want you to believe there are no peer-reviewed papers critical of the vax.  That's a lie.  It's just one more lie in the vast tissue of lies they've pushed to a) push all-mail voting to steal the election;  b)  to claim this bat-virus was NOT modified in a Chinese lab to make it more lethal to humans; and c) to force everyone to get the virtually-untested vax.


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