August 12, 2021

How can you tell if your nation is being led by a gang of bumbling incompetents?

Ya know what's the most definitive proof is that your nation is being led by incompetents ?

It's when duh nominal preznit, on his first day in office, cancels oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska, and cancels a Canada-to-U.S. pipeline able to bring 840,000 barrels of Canadian oil per DAY to the U.S....and THEN just 7 months later, with oil and gas prices shooting up ("How could that possibly happen?  Could not possibly be due to somethin' we did!"), is forced to BEG oil-exporting nations in the Middle East (OPEC) to increase THEIR production, to help cut the price of oil!

If you're a typical American, chances are good that you've never been in the oil business, so you know about as much about that business as you know about flying a heavy-jet approach to a 200-foot ceiling.  Of course that's not an indictment, not your fault.  You just make your living in another field.

That's why I'm here.

Back in the 1970's thru 2000, the U.S. used far more oil than we produced, so to avoid shutting down our economy we were forced to import roughly half of the oil we used.  The price of oil began to climb sharply.

In response, the Democrats in the Carter administration did what totalitarians always do:  They DECREED that oil produced in the U.S.--which was quite a bit--could NOT be sold for more than X dollars per barrel.  Oil producers told the Dems running the Carter disaster that the U.S. could almost certainly produce more oil, but that the technology was more costly than that of overseas producers.  They begged the Carter Dems to delete their DECREE placing a ceiling on the price of oil

The Democrats told U.S. oil producers to f-off.  They were absolutely, totally sure that the "solution" to higher oil prices was to ORDER that no U.S. oil producer could sell oil for more than X per barrel.

I'll bet almost all of you could predict the result of that DECREE, eh?

Yep: With the Dems having effectively barred U.S. companies from using more-costly technology to produce more oil, U.S. oil producers stayed with low-cost, well-known techniques--and production kept falling.

Ronald Reagan had an idea:  Why not take the handcuffs off capitalist energy and innovation and see if we could drill more and produce more?

The Dems sneered that this was simply un-possible!  Could NOT possibly work!  It was STUPID, they said, to think we could "drill our way to energy independence."

This exact sneer was uttered by no less a Democrat star than the cunning socialist moron Barack Hussein Obama.  After he said that, the Media sprang into action to echo that cunning lie.

A Republican congress removed the Democrat-decreed price ceiling, which suddenly made it feasible for innovative companies to use more-costly technology to produce oil that wouldn't have been economically viable before.  And quietly, the U.S. began producing far more oil than before.

Then a miracle happened: As production rose, the price of oil fell.

Who could have predicted THAT, eh?  Well, only people who knew the principles of economics--which included no Democrats and only about two percent of the population.  And not one of those people could get an interview on CNN, MSNBC, ABCNBCCBSPBS etc, cuz that would have shown the American people that "command economies" (price controls, etc) didn't work, but free markets did.

Oooohhhh, can't have THAT, eh?  So Americans never learned the lesson.

Which meant that the biden*fail regime's killing of leasing for drilling on federal lands, and offshore, and killing the Keystone XL pipeline--acts which should have prompted a f'n REVOLT by Americans--were instead praised by the corrupt Democrat-fellating media.

And as a direct result, a gallon of gasoline costs $1.50 more today than it did a year ago.

Next time you fill up your car, thank Democrats and the Media for the extra twenty bucks you had to pay.

What's absolutely hysterical is to watch Democrat "economic experts" (like former Obama advisor Austin Goolsby) lie about all this.  They know the basic principles of economics, but refuse to admit that those principles are valid.  So they support disastrous biden*fail policies that are guaranteed to make things worse.

But hey, "It's worth it, comrade!  We need to kill what was recently the greatest economy in the world, cuz...reasons.  But don't worry, Dem voters--we experts will take care of you!  We'll replace your gasoline-powered cars with wunnerful new electric cars!  We'll pay hundreds of billions of dollars to install charging stations everywhere.  Yes, 'WE' will pay.  Not you.  The money will magically appear, hot off the printing presses that we control!"

The truly amazing thing is that the Networks are reporting that biden*fail's disapproval rating is only two percent higher than their approval rating.  My guess is that the true number is 60-40 disapprove.

Like everything else the Media runs, the polls are fake.



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