February 10, 2021

Democrat senator votes to NOT give recovery checks to illegal aliens; Democrats move to censure him

You may have heard that congressional Democrats have been "working" to pass (perhaps already have) a "virus relief bill" to help American citizens who've lost their jobs or businesses due to the lockdown ordered by...Democrat governors.  

Wait, when I wrote "to help American citizens" in the previous sentence, that's not quite right.  Cuz as part of their plan to bring millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S. the Dem bill will give checks to everyone, including illegal aliens.

Cuz hey, that's only fair, right?  And if that makes it a LOT more attractive for aliens to illegally cross into the country, no big deal.  And if those lucky illegals happen to get checks equalling their entire annual income back in their home country, no big deal, eh?  

And if they just happen to vote Democrat after the Dems give 'em citizenship, that's just a total coincidence.  It's not like the Dems planned that result or anything, eh?

Well...one Democrat senator--Colorado's John Hickenlooper--seems to have had second thoughts about this huge giveaway, so on a non-binding "resolution" he voted with Republicans to not give the stimulus checks to illegal aliens.  

Now three members of the Democrat National Committee have called on the Colorado Democrat party to censure the guy for that vote to keep illegal immigrants from receiving the recovery/stimulus checks.  As those members put it, "for violating our party platform."

So the Dem party platform supports giving checks to illegals?  Of course, and that's just the cheap part.  The expensive part is the "free" medical care the party wants to give 'em.

Right on cue a Democrat state senator, Julie Gonzales, put the hammer on Hickenlooper, saying "Usually politicians don’t slam the door shut on Latino voters so abruptly." 

Wait...did I read that right?  I thought Hickenlooper's vote was to bar congress from giving the checks to illegal aliens.  Yet Julie Gonzalez complained that the senator was slamming the door shut on Latino voters.  Wow, guess that now that Colorado is a Democrat-ruled state (the gay mayor, who lives in the governor's mansion with his husband, is a Democrat), they can be more open about their game plan.

It's also interesting that the members of the Democratic National Committee who called on that state's Democrat party to censure Hickenlooper "for violating our party platform"asked the state to do it, instead of urging congress--totally controlled by Democrats--to do it.  Of course they didn't want the call for censure "for violating our party platform" to get much publicity, since...well, you know.



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