February 09, 2021

Biden*/Harris appoint creature who's contemptuous of straight white males to...um...a minor position

Suppose you were asked to evaluate people who wanted to work for the Harris/Biden* regime and recommend them (or not) for certain positions of power, and you found that one candidat and made the following statement:

The rich, pampered, prodigal, sanctimonious, incurious, white, straight sons of the powerful do pretty well everywhere in the world, and they always have. But what about us? Snarky, bisexual... women who want the freedom to say what we think, read what we want, and love who we do.”

Sounds like a delightful person, eh?  Well, yes, obviously she hates straight white males, but in the Harris administration that's an asset.  What position would you recommend her for? 

One where she couldn't do too much damage to the country?  Something like head of the Board of Tea Inspectors, perhaps?  Do you think such a person should be given a position where she'd be judging fairness, with the power to impose huge fines, or even prison time?  Wow, I would nope not.

So naturally the perverse, anti-white, anti-male Harris/Biden* presidents (NMP) appointed this creature "principal deputy assistant attorney general in the civil rights division."



"Wait," I hear Democrats saying, "let's take another look at the statement she made that has you so worried."  Okay, here ya go:

The rich, pampered, prodigal, sanctimonious, incurious, white, straight sons of the powerful do pretty well everywhere in the world, and they always have. But what about us? Snarky, bisexual... women who want the freedom to say what we think, read what we want, and love who we do.”

"Ah," they purr, "You're certainly not rich, nor a son of 'the powerful.'  You and the men you fight for are dumb deplorables who work hard, make maybe $50k a year and are just managing to keep up with your mortgage payments.  So surely you must see that this woman is no threat to you and your dumb, deplorable, straight, white, male buddies."

Gosh, thanks, Democrats!  Cuz for a minute there it sounded like she hated straight white "sons" or something equally disqualifying.  Maybe I need to learn how to read as well as y'all do, eh? 

And of course you Democrats, being insiders n' all, know she doesn't literally mean it, eh?  Cuz she doesn't hate Chuckie Schumer or Eric Swalwell or Adam Schiff or any other f'd-up, rich, pampered white liberal male.  So your side is safe from government prosecution.

In any case it's SOOooo great to know that if a future president were to appoint a person to a powerful post in the "Just-us Department" who'd sneered at gays or blacks or women (as opposed to straight white males, as this creature did), you'd be utterly fine with that.  Cuz that's the position you just took.

You dumb bastards deserve every horror that you've invited.  And "invited" is exactly the right term.



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