A very grim assessment
The post below was adapted from "You have less than a year," by H. Numan, a citizen of the Netherlands. He's very familiar with the rise of National Socialism in pre-war Germany.
You’ve just witnessed a coup.
Most Americans still don’t understand that the rules of the game have changed, radically. It's likely that we have less than a year to correct the situation before it becomes permanent. This is a very grim essay, and if you can’t handle the truth, stop reading.
Let’s start with the coup. The Democrat Party planned it many years in advance, a massive, brazen fraud to gain total control. It was no accident that millions of new mail-in votes and harvested ballots gave Biden the presidency. The Democrats have been steadily refining their steal for many years. The evidence was there if you cared to look (compare senate results in 2016 to Hilliary's total votes)--but no one bothered to look.
Some of us saw this coming when the DNC filed lawsuits to overturn state laws requiring photo-ID to vote, and allowing same-day registration, and filing lawsuits to prevent states from purging voter rolls of dead people and those who've moved out of state. The Democrats fought to force states to let people vote absentee even if they were completely able to get to the polls on election day.
By coincidence (not) every one of these measures made massive election fraud far easier.
Last November the bombshell exploded. Corrupt Dem poll workers chased
poll watchers out of the counting rooms and taped cardboard over the
windows. Why? No reporter ever asked. Now you see why they did all
these things, but of course now it's too late.
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The fake co-president |
The Democrats now control not only the White House but also both chambers of congress. That means they can—and will—pass any law they want. And one of the first dire ones will be gun registration.
Sometime in the next few months there will be a mass shooting. No need to arrange one, since they happen several times a year in the U.S. All the Democrats have to do is wait. Then as the Media will put it, Harris/Biden will "take decisive, life-saving action to protect our children," by passing a law requiring registration of all guns and banning new handgun sales.
A year later they'll pass a law banning private ownership of handguns and anything more capable than single-shot, bolt-action rifles. Gun owners think they can fight back because they think the regime will send cops house to house, searching and seizing. Not at all. As the government of Australia did in 1996, the law will give owners a year to turn in their guns, and if you were found with one after that time, the penalty was ten years in prison and a ten-thousand-dollar fine.
Virtually no one will risk that huge penalty, so almost everyone will turn over their guns, which is exactly what happened in Australia. Even more unexpected is that virtually no one will complain, because the Media will mount an all-out campaign claiming that anyone who complains is "an insurrectionist" or a terrorist or a "child killer." You just got through seeing something very much like this after the incursion at the Capitol on 1/6. Those who complain will have their social media accounts cancelled. The Media will deluge TV and print with stories portraying complainers as rebels, "anti-government extremists" who want to kill poor little Susie.
Australia showed the Democrats how to do it: They passed a law saying turn over your guns or it's a decade in prison. Men with a family couldn't risk that, and now there are no more civilian handguns in Australia. Well, except for the criminals, of course.
Right now, before the Democrat dictatorship has really kicked into high gear, you'll hear statements like "If they want my gun they'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands." But in reality almost no one will actually make that stand because most people like to live. Given the choice between handing in firearms or facing either a decade in prison or a 30-to-1 firefight against M-16-equipped cops, family men will hand over their weapons. Failing to do that hurts your wife and kids.
A very few single men may fight. But with wiretaps and surveillance cameras everywhere, it will be impossible to organize any coordinated resistance. Which leaves lone "extremists" to be killed one at a time by a SWAT team surrounding their house.
You might think the media would do what it's always done in the past when a lone person is killed by lots of cops: Condemn the cops. (Think George Floyd.) But that won't happen here. Instead the media will praise the cops for ridding the country of a "crazed right-wing terrorist." The TV coverage of those killings will get the message across.
The remainder of the people who haven't turned over their guns because they know what gun confiscation means will get the message and quietly turn in their weapons.
Biden has been busy signing presidential decrees. In his first week he signed more than the last four presidents combined. With a stroke of his pen he killed the multi-billion-dollar Keystone XL pipeline, destroying 11,000 high-paying jobs. And the unions didn't say a word.
With the stroke of his all-powerful pen he killed female athletics, by allowing men claiming to be female to compete as women. And shower in the girls' locker room.
He has killed, as promised, a lot of jobs in the drilling industry. But as in Nazi Germany, that won’t create massive unemployment, as the Dems will simply hire more government employees. Every socialist state requires a massive bureaucracy to monitor everyone, so laid off workers will get government jobs, which will keep the official unemployment rate low.
When reduced output increases prices, the natural "solution" will be an elaborate system of price controls. Every socialist state does it--and in every case those controls fail miserably. Instead of selling their products at a loss, producers simply stop producing. But Democrat leaders, like other elites, won't care. The Media will keep telling Biden and Harris that they're doing the best job possible, and that tough problems demand tough measures. Like the leaders of every other socialist state, people starving in the streets won’t bother Harris and Biden any more than they bother Venezuela's Maduro.
So in a bit more than a year you’ll start to see shortages of basic goods, just as you saw when hand sanitizer and toilet paper vanished during the start of the plandemic panic. That’s because the law of supply and demand is as immutable as gravity. No socialist state is capable of controlling the supply of toilet paper — or anything else, for that matter.
A year or two into the Biden administration one or two inquisitive reporters will notice that the FBI has doubled or tripled in size. It won’t make the news, of course, because editors will know better. And that much larger FBI and the newly established price and environmental police forces will have greatly expanded powers. You won’t read that in the news either.
And if you complain outside your home, expect a visit from the FBI. Don’t grumble in front of your neighbors--socialist states are very big on informers. You've heard stories about "neighborhood Karens" who report their neighbors for letting their kids go to a park, or for not wearing masks. And we're just getting started. About half the citizens of East Germany were under Stasi surveillance at some point. You never know who you can trust.
Don't even complain in front of your children, because schools are indoctrinating even very young students on the importance of obeying the government's rules, and of finding and jailing counter-revolutionaries (i.e. you). Your kids will honestly believe they're protecting society by turning you in.
When Hitler was elected — and yes, he was elected — he had less control than the Democrats have now. That's because Hitler was part of a coalition government, and didn’t have full control of K-12 schools, universities, the Media, the courts, churches or big corporations. By stark contrast, the Democrat Party has full control over all these.
Odds and ends: the Hunter Biden investigation, both into the bribes he received from Burisma and China, his unpaid taxes and the bombshells on his laptop, will all be dropped. And the Media won't say a word about it.
Again, sorry for being so pessimistic but the game has changed. Either you wake up and take action, or lose your country for the next several lifetimes. My guess is that we’ve only got a year or so to fix things. If not...
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