February 06, 2021

Fake Republican gives Democrats cover by proposing to give low-income parents up to $15,000 per year

One of the most dire problems facing the U.S. is...massive federal deficits.  Each year the government must borrow hundreds of billions of dollars--and now trillions--to make up the difference between what it takes in and what congress insists on spending.  The government has now borrowed something like $20 Trillion dollars, and that's about to have an effect you won't like.

So logically (I know, I know) it would be wise to stop spending more than we take in, eh/  Or at least to cut the deficit down from two Trillion to a few hundred billion.  Unfortunately congress shows no sign at all of recognizing this.

For the last couple of years congressional Democrats have been pushing the idea of giving lots more money to low-income Americans.  Back when the senate was majority-GOP those ideas didn't fly, but now that the Dems control everything, they can pass anything they want.  And they want...a lot.

But in the latest installment, fake-RepublicanMitt Romney has decided that if giving cash to low-income types is good, giving twice as much is better (will make him more popular), so he's unveiled a plan to outbid the Dems.

Romney has proposed the most costly, lavish "child-benefit packages" ever, by either political party. It would pay parents of kids under 18 a flat monthly allowance of up to $15,000 per year.  (The far-left Democrat rag Vox lies that this would be paid out to all parents, but there's an income cutoff):

  • Parents of kids ages 0 to 5 would get $350 per month, or $4,200 per child per year
  • Parents of kids ages 6 to 17 would get $250 per month, or $3,000 per child per year

Parents with several kids could get a maximum of $1,250 per month or $15,000 a year.  If you're skeptical, read the Romney team’s summary here.  And if you're confused by the tangle of details, don't feel bad.  That's intentional.  And that's even before 700 pages of pure pork are added by greedy, corrupt congresswhores creeps..

Sounds great, eh?  I mean, what could possibly go wrong?  Well, other than ghost parents, including folks living in Nigeria or Iran or Mexico or El Salvador, claiming to have five kids and to be living in a tent on the sidewalk in LA, which is why they're hard to find.  But don't worry, senator, they have a PO box to send those monthly checks to.  And don't worry, someone will pick 'em up and cash 'em.

You know what else will happen, as sure as the sun will come up tomorrow?  Now that Romney--a nominal Republican--has proposed this, the Democrats, led by Pelosi, Schumer and the Squad will now have the cover of "bipartisanship," and will use that to roughly double Romney's bid.  Just watch.

Add this to the Squad's shrieking demand that taxpayers pay off student loans, and the future looks really...um...well, you tell me.



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