February 06, 2021

CBS screams that "climate change may have played a key role in corona pandemic"; so not China's fault!

Those of you who bet that the Mainstream Media would blame the Chinese virus on "global warming" --excuse me, "climate change"--within a month of Biden*(NMP) taking office, claim your winnings at the window.  Here that flagship of lying and pomposity, CBS, blares a faaaabulous new study:

Human-caused climate change "may have played a key role" in the coronavirus pandemic. That's the conclusion of a new study which examined how changes in climate have transformed the forests of Southeast Asia, resulting in an explosion of bat species in the region.

Researchers found that due to changes in vegetation over the past 100 years, an additional 40 species of bat have moved into the region, carrying with them 100 more types of bat-borne coronaviruses. 

Many scientists believe the virus that started the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic originated in bats in southern China ....

Researchers used climate records to create a map of the world's vegetation as it was a century ago. Using knowledge of the type of vegetation required by different bat species, they determined the global distribution of each species in the early 1900s. 

These findings have scientists concerned about the probability that climate change will make future pandemics more likely.

This is pure propaganda, and I'll show you why:  In the first 'graf CBS states the main premise, that "changes in climate have transformed the forests of southeast Asia," and that this "transformation" has caused "changes in vegetation over the past 100 years" that have caused 40 new species of bats to move into the region.  

Got that? 

They supposedly "used climate records to create a map of the world's vegetation as it was a century ago."

It's utter bullshit.  Over a mere 100 years the total rise in average temperature in the region can't possibly have been more than one degree C.  Oh wait...CBS says the researchers "used climate records to create a map of the world's vegetation as it was a century ago."

Well NOW we're talkin'!  "Climate records", ya say.  Mind showing us that data, slick?  Cuz I'm kinda wondering how many temperature-measuring stations are located in the middle of the boondocks in China?  ("Data" at bottom of this post.)

Oh, y'say the researchers did NOT rely on actual, y'know, measured temperatures to measure that degree of change?  Hmmm.  So what DID they use to claim to know the temp in the boondocks of China a century ago within one degree, eh?  Tree ring width, perhaps?  But tree rings aren't even remotely that sensitive.  Oh, here it is:  They estimated the percentage of cloud cover a century ago.

Sure, that's accurate.  Wait, how did they arrive at THAT figure?  Mumble mumble someone else.

And then the authors' claimed one-degree increase in global temps over a century supposedly causes the vegetation to change enough that it's materially more attractive to bats, eh?  Tell ya what, sparky: Why don't ya put an assortment of those plants in two side-by-side cases in a lab, make one of the cases one degree warmer than the other, and post PHOTOS of how much the two are different after a year, eh?

Then see if the bats notice a difference.

This study is utter crap.  It's pure propaganda disguised as science, published to make the public think the virus was NOT a genetic modification created in the Chinese government bio-lab in Wuhan.  (Scientists at that lab published a paper in 2015 boasting that they'd successfully spliced genetic code into a coronavirus, so unless they were lying then, there's no doubt whatsoever that they had the capability.)

You could as easily blame the virus on high-frequency radio transmission as on "climate change."  Oh wait, I hear my liberal friends bleating that high-freq radio transmissions have ALSO increased due to global warming"-- excuse me, "climate change."

You could even more easily blame the virus on an intentional genetic modification in a level-4 virus lab in Wuhan.  

Wait, that's just crazy talk, citizen.  The Chinese would nevah do dat, cuz dey be our good friends, eh?  We know dat cuz da preznit's coke-loving son Hunter has been doing millions of dollars of business with the Chinese government for about six years now.  So they MUST be our friends, eh?  Cuz if the Chinese aren't our friends, that would mean...

Wait, that's just crazy thinking, comrade.


If you're curious, here's the so-called temperature "data" the authors supposedly derived.  You can see that in some months the synthetic (not measured) temps are identical between the 1901-1930 group and 1990-2019, and the worst difference is about one degree C.

These calculated values were derived by *estimating the percentage of cloud cover* a century ago.  Ah.



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