In Georgia senate runoff, Repub candidate's claimed vote DROPPED by 32,000 votes in just 13 seconds! And then again...
Did you hear the Mainstream Media tell you--repeatedly--that there were NO voting or vote-counting "irregularities" in the senate runoff election in Georgia that gave control of the senate to the Democrats?
Yep. The Media claimed that just like the presidential election, this one was the "cleanest, most honest election ever." Yep yep yep. And if you openly question anything about the claimed "total honesty" of this process, Twatter and Fakebook will suspend or delete your account. Cuz they're all about "openness," "transparency" and "the free exchange of ideas," eh citizen? Just ask 'em.
So I wonder how they'll explain the video below (if they bother addressing the issue at all): The Wunderkind at Harris-loving, Trump-hating ABC were electronically posting second-by-second updates of the votes as each county reported 'em, as shown in the 21-second video below. At the start of the vid, the tally at the bottom of the screen shows Perdue (the Republican) with 774,723 votes. But just 13 seconds later (at 0:14), the claimed total vote for Perdue has DROPPED by 32,400 votes, to 742,323.
The vote total for Democrat Ossoff doesn't budge. But the percentage changes, reflecting the instantaneous drop in the Republican's alleged vote total.'s my understanding that the claimed total votes show on the screen for each candidate are NOT keyed in by hand, but are automatic feeds from the official state election office. So how did Perdue's count drop by 32,400 votes in the 13 seconds?
But don't worry, citizen. I'm SURE there's an explanation. There always is, eh? And of course if the situation was reversed, and the Democrat had lost by half a percent or so after the same mysterious subtraction of 32,400 votes from their candidate's total, you can bet the Dems would be in court an hour later with 47 lawsuits demanding an immediate investigation. And judges being what they are, the judge would grant their demand. They always do when the Dems are the complainant, eh?
Now, I can see where an election worker in some tiny county might transpose two columns, and thus switch a thousand votes or so from one candidate to another. That happened, in Georgia, three times in the November election But that's clearly not what happened in this case, since Ossoff's vote didn't change.
But as I said, I'm sure there's an explanation. Problem is, no member of the Lying Mainstream Media will ever ask what it is. And no election supervisor or Secretary of State will volunteer the info, because raising the issue might risk the Democrats' precious, long-desired total control of all branches of government.
Here's the full vid. Watch it. Then to save you the trouble, I've pulled the stills below.
"Wait, I got it," sez my liberal PhD friend! "It's simply a glitch at ABC! See, you're a moron if you think these numbers are just electronically copied from da state totalizer! Deeze numbers are phoned or faxed to each network by their watchers at the totally-honest Secretary of State's office, then entered by minimum-wage gophers at network HQ. Yeh, dat's da ticket!"
Gosh, I guess you got me there, buddy! Cuz that makes way more sense than thinking there was some sort of organized fraud--although it does seem a bit statistically odd that every single so-called "glitch in the software" unfailingly benefits just one party. But I'm sure you're right.
Oh wait, here's a video of CNN's broadcast, and would you look at that! It shows exactly the same thing, exactly the same numbers! Whoa, looks like that blows your theory clean out of the water, eh? Here's the video.
Ah, but I'm just sure there's an explanation, other than fraud. Gotta be, eh?
You just saw video feeds of both ABC's and CNN's electronic on-screen vote total (alleged) for the Republican drop by 32,400 votes in 13 seconds. That was with 50% of the expected vote in. But we should note that that was a one-in-a-million "glitch in the software," eh? Couldn't happen again, eh?
Certainly. Except... an hour or so later the same thing happened: Take a look at the vid at the link below. According to ABC's video broadcast, with 96% of the expected vote in, the Republican is leading by 20,006 votes, with 2,130,535 to Ossoff's 2,110,529. Then just 15 seconds later, the Republican's claimed total instantly drops by EXACTLY 5,000 votes, to 2,125,535.
Osoff's total doesn't change.
So, guess it's another one-in-a-million "software glitch," eh? No, wait, we've already used "software glitch," so this one will be "an error by an untrained, low-level worker, late at night, after a long day. And it was promptly corrected." Yeh, dat's it. Da secon' one. We already used da firs' one, an if we bee claimin' da same bullsheeit twice in a row, sooner o' latah somebody might tink sumpin ain' right.
So to all appearances there were TWO subtractions from the Republican's claimed total. And if you think those were the only two steals, I'm eager to make you a great deal on some oceanfront property in Nebraska. But you'll NEVER hear a thing about this again. "This is 'manipulated media'," twatter will scream. "Unverified, slanted information," Fakebook will bleat. And if you disagree in public, they'll suspend you f'n account. Cuz they're all about "fairness," comrade. Just ask 'em.
[For students in NY, California, Chitcongo, Baltimore, Philly and math-bees-raaaaacis' Seattle: Nebraska doesn't have any ocean touching it.]
Moronic Democrat voters were absolutely sure they'd found not just innocent but OBVIOUS explanations for what you just saw. Here's one:
Same numbers changing at the same instant. Sure, it could happen. Happens in Vegas all the time.
Here's my favorite.
Remember, these people vote, and their vote counts just as much as yours. Think any of these people could successfully multiply two 3-digit numbers without a calculator?
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