January 07, 2021

Suddenly all the Dems who spent all last year supporting violence are horrified about it. Wow!

With revolutions, everything is re-set to "Year Zero."

And so we see--suddenly, astonishingly--the Democrats and their allies in the Lying Mainstream Media screaming--in a negative way for once--about OMG VIOLENCE! when a dozen Antifa infiltrators broke window to enter the capitol.  And when they yelled "Follow me, patriots!, naive young Trump supporters followed.

Wait...are these the same Democrat leaders and supporters who were praised by their comrades for yelling that "Someone needs to put a bullet in Donald Trump"?  (Fake Republican advisor Rick Wilson, in case you forgot.)

Are these the same actors who said "I'd like to punch him in the face"? (Robert DeNiro, if you forgot.)  Or how about "I've spent a lot of time thinking about blowing up the White House."  (Madonna, who may have been some sort of entertainer some decades ago.)  Or how about the redheaded bitch who posed for pics holding up a mockup of Trump's severed head?  (Kathy Griffin, but I had to look it up.)

Or the dipshit who said "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?"  (Johnny Depp, if you'd forgotten.)  Or the moronic black bitch congresscreep who doesn't even live in her own district, who screamingly urged a crowd of supporters that if they saw "any members of this administration at a restaurant, or a gas station, or shopping" to get in their face and drive them out.  (Maxine Waters, in case you'd forgotten.) 

Here's a short 2-minute video of scores of Dems calling for violence, cuz they saw that as a weapon they could use that Trump and his supporters either couldn't or wouldn't.

Here's another compilation of Dem leaders and asshole media talking heads supporting violence, including arson.  Enjoy!  Anyone recall any of this?  Of course it was AGES ago, so...

But in the past 24 hours all these Democrats who were SO TOTALLY in favor of violence against Trump and his staffers and supporters have suddenly, astonishingly, done a U-turn and are screaming how awful it was that some people--who have already been positively identified as Antifa thugs--infiltrated the crowd of Trump supporters, broke into the capitol and fought with capitol police.  

The infiltration--a "false flag" operation--was predicted.  And worked just as the plotters planned.  The video dominated every network yesterday, all day and into late night.  Well played, George and Chuck and Nancy and AOC.  Great job!



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