Judge rules a man who raped his 10-year-old daughter entitled to taxpayer-funded sex-change operation
It should come as no surprise to any rational person to see that when depraved politicians and judges rule, depravity is rewarded.
In Wisconsin, a man was sentenced to 34 years for repeatedly raping his 10-year-old daughter. By all reports he doesn't seem a bit remorseful for this ghastly crime. Instead, he's found a great con: a way to be transferred to a womens' prison.
Yep, the guy is now claiming to be female, and according to the prevailing legal demand, he is to be considered female. And if you don't agree, you're blasted as a bigot.
Wait, it gets better.
The men’s prison where
daughter-rapist Mark Allen
Campbell is jailed has allowed him to dress in women’s
clothing and wear make-up. He's received taxpayer-funded female-hormone
treatments in prison.
But as you already guessed, that wasn't enough for this daughter-raping snowflake. He filed a lawsuit claiming his Eighth Amendment rights had been violated because Department of Corrections officials were “indifferent” to his “medical needs.”
And what "needs" were those? Why, the fact that the state didn't want to have taxpayers pay for a sex-change operation. Or as the cunning socialist/tranny mafia demand you call it, "sex reassignment surgery."
Of course you know the 8th amendment, right? Sure: Here's the entire text:
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
And predictably, federal judge James Peterson RULED that this child-rapist does indeed have
a constitutional right to force taxpayers to pay for his sex change surgery. As judge Peterson put it:
“Some members of the public are outraged at any effort to improve the health and well being of inmates. But the true public interest lies in alleviating needless suffering by those who are dependent on the government for their care.”
Not all the sickos are behind bars. Some wear judge’s robes. Peterson also recommended that the snowflake child-rapist be moved to a women’s prison even before he gets "his" surgery.
Brilliant commie judge wants to place a convicted rapist in a woman’s prison. What could go wrong?
In a society run by liberals, criminals are considered victims.
When depraved politicians and judges rule, depravity is rewarded.
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