November 27, 2020

Still more evidence of massive vote fraud by Democrats: now in Michigan

A researcher in Michigan found that *according to the official state election results,* one city reported over seven TIMES more votes tallied than registered voters. 

While most rational Americans would consider that prima-facie evidence of fraud, Democrats calmly claim there's nothing unusual about it.  All perfectly normal, citizen.  Nothing to see here.

Oh, if you're interested, the actual multiple is 782 percent.

Of course we know Democrats are most assuredly NOT interested in investigating a single one of the thousands of similar anomalies.  Cuz, know...any anomalies are prolly just mistakes by dem po' overworked election workers entering data at 4 a.m. or sumpin'.  I mean, NO rational person can possibly believe the Democrats would actually try the election.  That's just crazy-talk!

Perish the thought!  No one can possibly believe the Democrats would try to steal the election!  It's as crazy as believing that for 16 years Barack Obama's publisher included a bio with their brochure (copies of which still exist) claiming Obama was born in Kenya--and then refused to answer any questions about how that information made it into the bio that Obama had to sign off on!

So repeat after me, citizen:  "There is no such thing as organized election fraud."

Here's the link:

Here's another "anomaly:"  Votes have to be whole numbers, right.  So if vote-counting software reported decimals of votes, would you think those reported results were honest?

If you're a Democrat, you'd blow it off with some snide, sneering comment, like "Doesn't matter, cuz it's not enough votes to change the result!"  Or "Da peepl has spoke!  An' if you tryin' to throw out votes jus' cuz da po' election workers wuz too rushed to take the time to match some silly 'signature' thingy, you be tryin' ta SUPRESS VOTES!  Yeah, dat's it!  You caint question votes once dey been put in da system!"

Here's the link:

Just keep telling yourself, "There's no such thing as massive vote fraud!"


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