November 27, 2020

Johns-Hopkins publishes article claiming virus deaths are far, far lower than CDC claims

"COVID!!!   You're all gonna DIE--UNLESS you do exactly as we order: wear masks even when eating, and don't get together with family for Thanksgiving and Christmas!  And don't even THINK about voting in person!!"

That's what you've been hearing for about nine months, eh?  And since the Media have been pushing that line, every Democrat and a third of conservatives believe it.  Cuz the Media tells ya the truth, eh? the November 26th issue of the Johns-Hopkins Newsletter, Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master's degree program at Johns Hopkins, analyzed all U.S. deaths as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Here's what she found:

From mid-March to mid-September, total U.S. deaths from ALL causes was 1.7 million.  This is barely above normal.  Of these, the CDC reported 200,000 were due to the Chinese virus.  But Briand found something unusual:  The deaths from all normal causes OTHER than the virus dropped, by almost the same amount as the number of deaths attributed to the virus.  Take a look at her numbers:


Briand's analysis shows that contra to what the Media has been screaming at you, the actual number of deaths due to the virus is at least an order of magnitude lower than the figure being cited by the CDC,  and dutifully repeated by the Mainstream Media.  The CDC's own number show the virus has only had a relatively small effect on total deaths in the United States.

If true, this puts the U.S. death rate due to the virus far below that of other nations.  The reason the Lying Media have been able to scare everyone is that the official, reported number of "virus deaths" is vastly inflated.  Again, official figures show that U.S. deaths from other causes "mysteriously" fell by almost the same numbers of reported virus deaths.

Now, here's the kicker:  Within 24 hourse after the article appeared, the people who run the Johns-Hopkins removed it from their website.  You might think that was because the article was published on their site by OMG HACKERZ!!!, but they gave no reason whatsoever.  (Hint:  It wasn't hackers.)

One imagines the elites at JH gloating, smugly, "We're SO good!  We removed this threat so FAST!  Those stupid commoners will never see it!  YAY!"

And this is indeed one of the ways the people conspiring to rule you control things:  prevent you from ever seeing things that contradict their Narrative.

But there's a website you've never heard of, that archives virtually everything that appears on the Internet.  Its tongue-in-cheek name is the Wayback Machine, after an old animated cartoon.  And it preserved the article the smirking elites at Hopkins are smugly congratulating themselves for removing.

Go see for yourself, so-called liberals.  Show us why Genevieve Brand doesn't exist.  Show us what you claim the REAL figures are from the CDC, and why you claim her analysis is flawed.  Go ahead, we'll wait. 



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