Three Dem leaders demand that Fakebook be more aggressive in deleting posts critical of global warming
Hey citizen, if you're looking for solid scientific information on, say, global warming strike that: climate change, who do you look to?
If you're like most Americans, the first names that come to mind are probably Stacey Abrams, Tom Steyer and John Podesta, eh? Cuz of all their advanced degrees in atmospheric physics and thermodynamics, eh?

Well now those esteemed thinkers have asked Fakebook to be more aggressive in deleting posts they claim contain "misinformation" aboutglobal warming climate change.
And of course that only makes sense: You wouldn't want people posting articles on their Fakebook pages saying things like "Satellite data show no global warming at all for the past 20 years," eh? Or things like "Why won't NASA release their alleged super-sekrit algorithm that they use to replace actual measured temperatures with made-up ones, eh?"
Or people might post maps of Alaskan ocean inlets made by explorers from 1800, showing that glaciers in those inlets retreated dozens of miles between then and 1910--which is way before humans started fielding millions of cars burning dreaded fossil fuel. People might wonder: If, as the Dems claim, global warming is caused by CO2--specifically by humans burning carbon fuel--what could have made Alaska's glaciers shrink so far between 1800 and 1910, eh?
I mean, we can't have people questioning the authority of the Democrat party, right? Cuz ya know that would lead to riots, mass looting, arson and so on. Can't have that, eh?
I mean, what would happen if Americans actually started thinking for themselves instead of just blindly parroting the Democrat/Communist/Socialist Party Line, like my PhD friend?
See, the world simply MUST be getting hotter, citizen. I mean, look at how much warmer it is this month than last month, eh?
But don't worry, citizen: The censors at Fakebook will see to it that posts questioning global warming don't survive. Yay!
If you're like most Americans, the first names that come to mind are probably Stacey Abrams, Tom Steyer and John Podesta, eh? Cuz of all their advanced degrees in atmospheric physics and thermodynamics, eh?

Well now those esteemed thinkers have asked Fakebook to be more aggressive in deleting posts they claim contain "misinformation" about
And of course that only makes sense: You wouldn't want people posting articles on their Fakebook pages saying things like "Satellite data show no global warming at all for the past 20 years," eh? Or things like "Why won't NASA release their alleged super-sekrit algorithm that they use to replace actual measured temperatures with made-up ones, eh?"
Or people might post maps of Alaskan ocean inlets made by explorers from 1800, showing that glaciers in those inlets retreated dozens of miles between then and 1910--which is way before humans started fielding millions of cars burning dreaded fossil fuel. People might wonder: If, as the Dems claim, global warming is caused by CO2--specifically by humans burning carbon fuel--what could have made Alaska's glaciers shrink so far between 1800 and 1910, eh?
I mean, we can't have people questioning the authority of the Democrat party, right? Cuz ya know that would lead to riots, mass looting, arson and so on. Can't have that, eh?
I mean, what would happen if Americans actually started thinking for themselves instead of just blindly parroting the Democrat/Communist/Socialist Party Line, like my PhD friend?
See, the world simply MUST be getting hotter, citizen. I mean, look at how much warmer it is this month than last month, eh?
But don't worry, citizen: The censors at Fakebook will see to it that posts questioning global warming don't survive. Yay!
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