July 04, 2020

*First* large-scale study of drug Trump said "might be a game changer" for virus finds that...

When the ghastly Chinese virus--a virus deliberately and cunningly modified to increase its ability to kill-- hit the U.S, president Trump said a long-known drug "could be a game-changer."

Naturally that spurred the Lying Mainstream Media to squeal that the drug to which he referred could not POSSIBLY be beneficial, and that in fact it was horribly dangerous!

The media's self-proclaimed "elites" were positively giddy in their denunciation of the president's statement.  They sneered that the president wasn't an expert, and that in fact his statement that the drug "could be a game-changer" would kill Americans!!!!!

But in fact, the drug the president referred to was approved in the 1940's and has been prescribed to hundreds of millions of people around the world, being the drug of choice for fighting malaria, lupus and a certain type of arthritis.  It also costs pennies per tablet, and isn't patent-protected, so many companies produce it.  It's a "commodity," like aspirin.

Okay, first question to see if you've been paying attention to current events:  What's the drug?

Corrupt, incompetent "experts" like Fauci immediately agreed with the Lying Mainstream Media that the drug was dangerous and would NOT be helpful.  Instead Fauci repeatedly endorsed a new anti-viral drug that's slated to cost roughly $3000 per dose.  But at the time he had no evidence that the new drug would be helpful, so why would he repeatedly praise it on national television?

Can any of you guess?

After Faustus sorry, Fauci--sneered at the drug, the World Health Org stopped a study it had been conducting.  How often do you see studies stopped before completion, eh?  Can you say "fix"?

Now a new study--of over 2,500 patients infected with the Chinese virus--has found that patients infected with the virus and treated with the inexpensive, long-known, widely used drug were twice as likely to recover as those who didn't receive the drug.

Specifically, 13% of those who were given the drug died.  MSM: "SEE??  SEE??  We warned you dis drug was way too dangerous to take!!  But you wouldn't listen to our brilliance, so you're dead!!"

Wait, you cut me off, assholes:  Patients who were NOT given the drug were twice as likely to die--26% fatality rate.

So to the Lying Mainstream Media:  F you and the horse you rode in on.  You are lying rat-bastards and you all deserve to die painfully.  You lie for a living, and anyone who believes anything you say is terminally stupid.

Oh, and does anyone recall the name of the drug yet?  If you don't know, thank the mainstream media for keeping you uninformed.



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