Dem governor of riot-torn state demands half a billion in rebuilding funds from all U.S. citizens
Here's an amusing mental exercise: Suppose you're the governor of a shit-hole Dem-ruled state.
Suppose further that you sat on your hands while ravenous, murderous mobs burned down 700 businesses in your capital city, and looted any store that had stuff they wanted.
You took no action cuz you're a Democrat, meaning you would NEVER say looting and arson was bad if done by BLM, right? (Note that Dem congressional leaders vote AGAINST a resolution that said looting and arson were bad.)
Now, as a do-nothing, arson-tolerant Dem governor, what's your most logical next move?
If you said "Demand that Trump give you half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds for 'relief from a natural disaster,'" you win the prize.
The Democrat governor of Minnesota has cunningly implied that the rioting in Minneapolis was a "natural disaster," so it's only reasonable and logical for federal taxpayers to give his state money to re-build his capital city.
"Natural disaster"? Really? No, you incompetent son of a bitch, a "natural disaster" is a flood or hurricane or meteor impact. The riots you were totally afraid to condemn were NOT natural. You were just afraid to do anything to stop them. And every citizen of this nation needs to know that.
Below is a photo of this so-called "natural disaster" as it was happening. Look totally "natural," eh?
Suppose further that you sat on your hands while ravenous, murderous mobs burned down 700 businesses in your capital city, and looted any store that had stuff they wanted.
You took no action cuz you're a Democrat, meaning you would NEVER say looting and arson was bad if done by BLM, right? (Note that Dem congressional leaders vote AGAINST a resolution that said looting and arson were bad.)
Now, as a do-nothing, arson-tolerant Dem governor, what's your most logical next move?
If you said "Demand that Trump give you half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds for 'relief from a natural disaster,'" you win the prize.
The Democrat governor of Minnesota has cunningly implied that the rioting in Minneapolis was a "natural disaster," so it's only reasonable and logical for federal taxpayers to give his state money to re-build his capital city.
"Natural disaster"? Really? No, you incompetent son of a bitch, a "natural disaster" is a flood or hurricane or meteor impact. The riots you were totally afraid to condemn were NOT natural. You were just afraid to do anything to stop them. And every citizen of this nation needs to know that.
Below is a photo of this so-called "natural disaster" as it was happening. Look totally "natural," eh?

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