Photo proof: Nazi president orders his stormtroopers to arrest and deport young latino protester! Wait...
Hey citizen, did you hear that Trump's "Nazi stormtroopers" are arresting peaceful protesters in Portland and deporting 'em? Really! Nancy Pelosi told us! It's a horrible, GHASTLY violation of their First Amendment rights under the Constitution that we Democrats love and honor and protect and defend so strongly!
The photo below shows one of Trump's Nazi stormtroopers pointing a scary military assault weapon at a terrified 7-year-old latino child who had merely tried to do something to make his life better. And your AWFUL, First-Amendment-hating Orange president sent his stormtroopers to arrest this poor latino kid, who was then swiftly deported! We expect the Washington Post and NYTimes to unite with us in demanding the impeachment of the president for this AWFUL crime!!!! I mean, here's the photographic evidence!

Wait...what?? Ya say this happened under some other president, not Trump? Nah, bro, dat can't be true, cuz I never heard about it! I mean, IF this had happened, whoever was president then would have been impeached, driven by the WaPo and NYT and thescreaming compassionate Democrats, who care about stuff like this.
OH, I got it! The president was NIXON! And every good public-schooled American knows Nixon was a crazy Rethuglican who hated brown-skinned people! So now it makes sense!
Wait...WHAT? Ya say this happened in 2000? AHA! Who won the presidency in that year, huh? HUH? Yeah, Rethuglican GW Bush!! So now it makes sense!
Wait...WHAT? Ya know, I'm getting tired of you raising your hand with more questions. What is it now? Well of COURSE I know that Bush was elected in November of 2000. What's your point?
Ya say this pic was taken in June of that year? I don't believe it! That's simply un-possible.
No, I don't know who was president then. I was only ten then so I didn't pay much attention to politics. Didn't get "woke" til Orange Hitler was elected. So okay, who was prez then?
NOOO! It can't be that Bill Clinton was president. Not possible! Cuz only Trump or Bush or Nixon would ever snatch brown-skinned children at the point of a gun and deport them, just like Trump has ordered his stormtroopers to do in Portland. If this happened under Bill Clinton I'm sure he never knew about it. Probably ordered by some crazed low-level flunky without his knowledge! say the order was given by the Attorney-General, Janet Reno? Never heard of her. But she probably went rogue, without Clinton's knowledge. Yeh, dat's it.
For young Americans: The boy is Elian Gonzalez. His mother brought him with her to try to flee Cuba to the U.S. She, her son and 12 others boarded a 17-foot boat to try to make the 90-mile trip to Florida. Tragically, the mother and ten others drowned in the attempt, but Elian was rescued.
Cuban dictator--communist Fidel Castro--demanded the U.S. return the boy to his father in Cuba. Bill Clinton agreed, and the seizure at gunpoint shown above happened in June of 2000.
Wiki--which spins every story to protect Dems--says Janet Reno gave the order. Technically true, but use your damn head: Reno would never have done something so potentially explosive without getting Clinton's okay.
But that was then, with a president loved by the Lying Mainstream Media, so the story was quickly forgotten. And Bill Clinton went on to media fame as a great humanitarian who was persecuted by Rethuglicans for some trivial thing like "perjury" or something.
The photo below shows one of Trump's Nazi stormtroopers pointing a scary military assault weapon at a terrified 7-year-old latino child who had merely tried to do something to make his life better. And your AWFUL, First-Amendment-hating Orange president sent his stormtroopers to arrest this poor latino kid, who was then swiftly deported! We expect the Washington Post and NYTimes to unite with us in demanding the impeachment of the president for this AWFUL crime!!!! I mean, here's the photographic evidence!
Wait...what?? Ya say this happened under some other president, not Trump? Nah, bro, dat can't be true, cuz I never heard about it! I mean, IF this had happened, whoever was president then would have been impeached, driven by the WaPo and NYT and the
OH, I got it! The president was NIXON! And every good public-schooled American knows Nixon was a crazy Rethuglican who hated brown-skinned people! So now it makes sense!
Wait...WHAT? Ya say this happened in 2000? AHA! Who won the presidency in that year, huh? HUH? Yeah, Rethuglican GW Bush!! So now it makes sense!
Wait...WHAT? Ya know, I'm getting tired of you raising your hand with more questions. What is it now? Well of COURSE I know that Bush was elected in November of 2000. What's your point?
Ya say this pic was taken in June of that year? I don't believe it! That's simply un-possible.
No, I don't know who was president then. I was only ten then so I didn't pay much attention to politics. Didn't get "woke" til Orange Hitler was elected. So okay, who was prez then?
NOOO! It can't be that Bill Clinton was president. Not possible! Cuz only Trump or Bush or Nixon would ever snatch brown-skinned children at the point of a gun and deport them, just like Trump has ordered his stormtroopers to do in Portland. If this happened under Bill Clinton I'm sure he never knew about it. Probably ordered by some crazed low-level flunky without his knowledge! say the order was given by the Attorney-General, Janet Reno? Never heard of her. But she probably went rogue, without Clinton's knowledge. Yeh, dat's it.
For young Americans: The boy is Elian Gonzalez. His mother brought him with her to try to flee Cuba to the U.S. She, her son and 12 others boarded a 17-foot boat to try to make the 90-mile trip to Florida. Tragically, the mother and ten others drowned in the attempt, but Elian was rescued.
Cuban dictator--communist Fidel Castro--demanded the U.S. return the boy to his father in Cuba. Bill Clinton agreed, and the seizure at gunpoint shown above happened in June of 2000.
Wiki--which spins every story to protect Dems--says Janet Reno gave the order. Technically true, but use your damn head: Reno would never have done something so potentially explosive without getting Clinton's okay.
But that was then, with a president loved by the Lying Mainstream Media, so the story was quickly forgotten. And Bill Clinton went on to media fame as a great humanitarian who was persecuted by Rethuglicans for some trivial thing like "perjury" or something.
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