July 14, 2020

A lesson for Americans, from the heart of Africa years ago

Because most of Africa is a shit-hole--a cesspool of socialism, corruption and mismanagement-- American public schools don't teach anything relevant about it.  What they do teach is the lie that any problems in African nations are the fault of whites who colonized the continent beginning in the late 1700's.

So here's a quick quiz to see what you've heard or been taught about what was once the most prosperous nation in Africa:
  1. Where is "Zimbabwe"?
  2. What was its name before it was named Zimbabwe?
  3. What event caused it to be renamed?
  4. Before that event, was the country a net exporter of food?
  5. Who was its first dictator after being renamed?
  6. What economic system did that dictator embrace?
  7. Is the country a net exporter of food today, or does it have to import food?
  8. Has any western Mainstream Media outlet ever, ever taken the dictator to task for running what was once the most prosperous nation in Africa into the ground?
The now-miserable shithole of Zimbabwe was once prosperous Rhodesia.  Many economists called Rhodesia the breadbasket of Africa, as its prosperous farms produced enough food to allow highly profitable exports.

In 1964 two black nationalist organizations started a war with the white-run government.  Both black organizations were well supplied and funded by the Soviet Union.  By contrast, virtually all western governments (except South Africa) refused to support Rhodesia's the white-run government, cuz western liberals were outraged at the notion of a white minority running the country.

Hey, fair enough.  All western governments should be run by majority rule, right?  Unless the majority is white, in which case we cannot have majorities running things, cuz they'll oppress the minorities, eh?  Unless the majority is black, in which case the nation will be peaceful and prosperous, and no one will be oppressed.

Oh, really?

The war lasted 15 long years, and the atrocities were just as you'd expect.  But hey, can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, eh?  And in 1979 the outnumbered, out-gunned white government basically surrendered, and the country was taken over by a communist named Robert Mugabe, who ruled exactly as you'd imagine any communist dictator would rule.

One of Mugabe's priorities was to take farms away from white farmers and give those lands to blacks.  But being a dictator, Mugabe didn't bother buying those farms, even at gunpoint prices.  Instead his thugs killed and raped white farmers, then simply seized their land.

In short order the nation didn't have enough food to export, killing a huge source of earnings.  And shortly after that, the new communist nation began to squeal for other nations to donate food to it, which western liberals were all too happy to do.

"The Atlantic" is a leftist, anti-Trump magazine, but in 2003 that rag gave a not-too-false summary of the ghastly journey of Rhodesia to Zimbabwe.  The article is titled "How to Kill a Country."  Here's how the leftist rag described one farmer's experience with communism and black rule:
Pat Ashton, a stocky, white-haired fifty-five-year-old farmer, grew up in England and moved to Rhodesia in 1971. Trusting Mugabe's moderate rhetoric, he made a down payment on a farm the year after independence.
It took him two decades to pay back his loans, but in 2001 he finally did so. The Ashton farm grew mangoes, tobacco, maize, and flat peas, grossing about $800,000 annually. His workers didn't earn enough to buy their own land but he did build them a village of some ninety houses, a social hall, a football field, and a medical clinic. Ashton reinvested virtually all of his surplus in the farm.

In July of 2001 about fifty people who lived in the nearby town arrived on his land, led by three officials from the Mugabe government. The group began surveying Ashton's property and marking out plots for homes. The next six months were a constant battle. The thugs [the Atlantic calls them "settlers"] returned and erected thatch huts in the middle of Ashton's maize and tobacco fields. They dug up his maize crops, beat up his farm workers, and removed and bent his irrigation pipes.
Still Ashton hung on, living in his farmhouse and planting and harvesting what he could. In January of 2002 four trucks arrived, containing youth militia and men claiming they were veterans of the liberation war collecting their reward for service. This time the invaders attacked Ashton, with steel rods and an ax, cutting him in the forearm and badly damaging his pickup truck as he tried to escape. They held two of his sons hostage for a day, threatening to execute them and making them chant songs in praise of the ruling party. 
Any of this starting to sound familiar yet?  Black mobs forcing whites to say "Black lives matter" or be beaten.
As the invaders carted away all the Ashton family's transportable belongings—from crockery to toilet seats—the police watched with amusement and then decided to join in.
Cops standing by doing nothing as black mobs loot, burn and vandalize.  Hmmm, where else have we seen this happen?

Now here's the latest from the socialist disaster called Zimbabwe:  The current vice-president of that nation has just claimed that his nation's mismanagement is all the fault of...the British, for not taking the time to teach natives how to manage a country.

This is the wail of every communist whose nation has gone from prosperity under a free-market system to starvation under socialism/communism.  "It's not OUR fault," the rulers always claim.  "It's sabotage!  Bad weather!  Western embargoes!  Earthquakes!  Planets aligned against us!"

Right.  They destroy businesses, then wail that no one is willing to invest and open a business.  They don't spend the money to maintain water or sewer or electrical systems, then wail when all three fail, forcing people to get water from rivers, and forcing industries to close for lack of electricity.  Venezuela actually declared a two-day "work week" for government agencies due to a shortage of electricity.

But don't worry, citizen:  None of those things could ever happen here.  Really.  Trust AOC and Schumer and Pelosi and Schiff and Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson-Lee and Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, cuz they're REALLY smaht.  They all know how to run a socialist country with open borders, and they're sure it'll be just swell.

Say, citizen, nice 401k retirement fund ya got there.  But of course you don't really NEED all that money to retire.  You should give it to other people who weren't born rich like you were.

Wait, you say you were NOT born rich, but studied hard in school, didn't do drugs, then worked 60-hour weeks to amass that retirement fund?  Well you realize the only reason you could do that was your white privilege.  So...just transfer those funds to the DNC and we'll see that they go to needy Americans.  Or "undocumented immigrants."  Cuz they have the same rights as citizens.


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