July 13, 2020

Gov. of Minnesota asks federal taxpayers for $500 million for riot damage. Hmm...

As you may recall, after the death of a black male in Minneapolis, mobs of BLM protesters looted and vandalized businesses, then burned hundreds to the ground.  On the orders of their political masters, the police did nothing to stop the rioting, looting and arson.

As far as I know, no Mainstream Media outlet has ever printed an estimate of the total cost of the looting, arson and vandalism, undoubtedly because they think that just might cut against BLM.  Better to leave Americans to make their own guess. 

Ten million?  To most non-politician Americans that's a lot of money.  But who has any idea?  The damage might be five times higher--fifty million bucks.  Who knows?

Now we know:  The shit-head Democrat governor of Minnesota--who refused Trump's offer of federal troops to quell the rioting, and didn't demand that the shit-head Dem mayor of Minneapolis order his cops to stop it--has asked taxpayers in the other 49 states to pony up half a BILLION dollars to pay for rebuilding the damage BLM riots and arson caused in Minneapolis.  Yes, $500 MILLION dollars. 

Imagine the total damage in, say, New York City.

Fortunately some politician said "If you dumb-shits refused to take ANY action AT ALL to stop the mob from burning and looting, how can you expect taxpayers in the other 49 states to bail your incompetent, corrupt, cowering, socialist ass out?  Not gonna happen."

So here's a prediction:  Democrats will sue in federal court to force the Trump administration to give Minnesota the half a billion dollars they asked for.  And just as the corrupt John Roberts voted with the court's liberals to RULE that the Trump administration couldn't end, by executive order, the unconstitutional DACA  program that emperor Obama had used his own executive order to start, the federal courts will rule for the Democrats.

Simultaneously, congressional Democrats will insert a provision into a must-pass bill forcing the government (i.e. taxpayers) to give that money to Minnesota.

Count on both to happen.



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