July 06, 2020

Dems 2020 election strategy in a nutshell

Ever notice how Democrats/liberals/socialists/"progressives" routinely reverse their self-proclaimed "rules" when doing so works to their advantage?  Here's how it works:
Progs: We demand a new rule that says X.
Cons: Wait, just two years ago you demanded a rule that said the exact opposite!

Progs: ( *pause* )
Progs: No, we didn't.
Cons: Yes, you did. See right here: ( *proffers indisputable evidence* )
Progs: ( *pause* )

Progs: But this situation is totally different.
Cons: No it's not.  You're just demanding a different rule because it's to your advantage.
Progs: ( *pause* )

Progs: You're a white supremacist.
You're beginning to see a meme--a talking point, pushed by every outlet in the Democrat Mainstream Lying media--that says our nation was, like TOTALLY united and happy when Obozo was president, and that Trump divided us.  They want you to believe that all the riots and looting and arson is because Trump is a raaaacist, and sparked the divisions that weren't there before.


So, the WaPo and NY Times claim national politics was all skittles and rainbow unicorn farts before Trump.  Right.

I'm old enough to remember when George Bush was called Hitler by the left
I'm old enough to remember when Dick Cheney was called Hitler by the left (well, Himmler, but that's pretty much the same thing)
I'm old enough to remember when Mitt Romney (Milquetoast Mitt!) was called Hitler by the left
I'm old enough to remember when John McCain was called Hitler by the left
I'm old enough to remember when Sarah Palin was called Hitler by the left.

And of course I'm old enough to remember when Richard Nixon was called Hitler by the left.
(Good retrospective of this phenomenon here.)

Democrats and the media have made this absurd, obvious, outrageous, brazen lie a major talking point of their 2020 campaign because it resonates with low-info voters--the Democrats' base.

The Narrative is that everything was great until the divisive Trump came along and positively FORCED blacks and their white wannabees to riot because they couldn't get jobs, housing, food, whatever.  And that we can return to peace and harmony by getting rid of Trump.

The Democrat party has unleashed the mobs, and wins votes of all who join the mobs.  They don't want the riots to stop.  If you're unclear on that point, look at the corrupt Dem mayors who have ordered their cops to stand around and do nothing as the mobs topple statues of our presidents, set fires, loot and vandalize every surface.

Search for videos of the Portland riots.  38 straight days of destruction.  Dem mayor.  Dem governor.  Cops show up but are ordered not to use force.  Figure it out.


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