June 11, 2020

NY Times portrays BLM/Antifa insurrectionists as heroes, their zone as heaven on earth

As everyone could have predicted, the Lying Mainstream Media is rushing to glorify and rationalize the takeover of six square blocks of downtown Seattle by BLM and Antifa. 

Military strategists would call the Media's rush "prepping the battle-space," and it has a huge and vital purpose: To exalt the action; to create an image of the insurrectionists as noble, larger-than-life heroes who are only interested in making society better.  [Cue heroic music.]

What they're seeking already has a name: communism.  And it's been tried--often.  And it works INCREDIBLY WELL!

Just kidding.  You get the glorious peoples' republic of Venezuela, where the starving people have killed captive zoo animals to survive.  Where someone who was starving killed a beloved horse at a veterinary school for food.

Where people have to give away their beloved pets cuz they can no longer afford to feed 'em.

Where clean, drinkable water is no longer available in much of the country's capital city because the moronic communist government is too busy importing whiskey and caviar for the dictator and his family.

But hey, citizen, at least the misery is spread uniformly over the entire population.  Well, almost.  The dictator and his family are living very well, thank you.  But at least there aren't any fat-cat rich business owners any more!  Yay communism!!!

So back to "prepping the battlespace:"  The Mainstream Media will make this their top priority, because they want the occupation to continue, because they hope to bait Trump into sending in the military--in which case we'll see endless stories about all the kids and puppies and kitties and flowers killed by da awful U.S. military while carrying out the Orange Dictator's illegal orders.

Count on it, if Trump takes the bait.

So here's the latest from the NYTimes, today:
SEATTLE — On the streets next to a police precinct in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, protesters and officers spent a week locked in a nightly cycle of standoffs, at times ending with clouds of tear gas.
The Times really wanted to say "...in a nightly cycle of police murders," but had to settle for "standoffs."  OMG, NOT THE DREADED STANDOFFS!!!!
But facing a growing backlash over its dispersal tactics in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, the Seattle Police Department this week offered a concession: Officers would abandon their precinct, board up the windows and let the protesters have free rein outside.

In a neighborhood that is the heart of the city’s art and culturethreatened these days as rising tech wealth brings in gentrification — protesters seized the moment.
Ah, "the heart of the city's art and culture," eh?  "See, citizen, these are NOT thugs with guns, but are invariably sophisticated "artistes" who have "culture"--something you deplorables know nothing about.
[Protesters] reversed the barricades to shield the liberated streets and laid claim to several city blocks, now known as the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.” 
You may not have noticed, but whenever communists seize something, they and their media allies always use the term "liberated."  Cuz that sounds SO much cooler, eh?
“This space is now property of the Seattle people,” read a banner on the front entrance of the now-empty police station. The entire area was now a homeland for racial justice — and, depending on the protester one talked to, perhaps something more.
Something more than "a homeland for racial justice"?  Is that even possible?  Heaven on earth, perhaps?  Nirvana?  
What has emerged is an experiment in life without the police — part street festival, part commune. Hundreds have gathered to hear speeches, poetry and music.... children made chalk drawings in the middle of the street.

One block had a designated smoking area. Another had a medic station. At the “No Cop Co-op,” people could pick up a free LaCroix sparkling water or a snack. No currency was accepted, but across the street, in a nod to capitalism, a bustling stand was selling $6 hot dogs. It was dealing in U.S. dollars.

On Wednesday President Trump tried to portray the scenes in the city as something more sinister. He called for government leaders to crack down on the protesters, declaring on Twitter that “Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle.”
NY Time: "SEE?  That's SO typical of Trump to exaggerate!!  'Domestic terrorists' indeed!  Why, these people aren't terrorists at ALL!  As we just told ya, they're artists and poets!  In every advance culture they'd be the elites, at the top of society!  Yet Trump says they've 'taken over Seattle'!   How absurd--they've only "appropriated" six square blocks!  How can anyone complain about that?"
“Take back your city NOW,” Mr. Trump wrote in a tweet directed at Mayor Jenny Durkan and Gov. Jay Inslee. “If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game.”

Ms. Durkan responded with a tweet of her own: “Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker.”

The protest zone has increasingly functioned with the tacit blessing of the city. Harold Scoggins, the fire chief, was there on Wednesday, chatting with protesters, helping set up a call with the police department and making sure the area had portable toilets and sanitation services.

“I have no idea where we’re headed,” Mr. Scoggins said in an interview. “We’ve been working step by step on how to build a relationship, build trust in small things, so we can figure this out together.”
See, a "relationship" is SO much more...sophisticated...than those ridiculous, inflexible things called "laws."  For example, "relationships" allow our...sophisticated...Democrat pols to decree that protests by people objecting to being ordered to say home and starve are illegal, and will be punished by fines and jail time, while two days later decreeing that other protests, involving thousands of people in a confined space, are perfectly fine.

See?  Flexibility, citizen.
The demonstrators have also been trying to figure it out, with various factions voicing different priorities. A list of three demands was posted prominently on a wall: One, defund the police department; two, fund community health; and three, drop all criminal charges against protesters.

But on a nearby fence was a list of five demands. Online was a list of 30 [demands].

While Mr. Floyd’s death in Minneapolis drove most of the energy in the streets toward ending police violence and racial injustice, some of those here in recent days have pushed for a wider focus. Some of the messages...seemed aimed at targeting corporate America for its role in social inequities.
Absolutely right, citizen!  Cuz you know that Amazon and WalMart and Target and GM and Microsoft and Apple don't hire minorities, eh?  Or maybe it's that they don't have any black managers.  Or something.  Maybe it's that corporations force consumers to buy things like iPhones and cars and food 'n stuff.  Something that has "a role in social inequities," anyway.  The details don't matter, right?
“The more we encourage and focus on the race thing, the more our attention is not focusing on the fact that this is class warfare,” said a 28-year-old protester and self-described anarchist who identified himself only by his first name, Fredrix.
Wait..."class warfare"?  Where have we heard that expression before?  Oh, yeah...
On Tuesday night, Kshama Sawant, a City Council member affiliated with the Socialist Alternative Party, led protesters down to City Hall, holding a gathering inside the building in which she promoted her plan to tax Amazon, which is headquartered in the city.

But some of those who mobilized here over race and policing have begun to worry that these broader priorities could cloud the agenda at a time when vital progress for African-Americans seemed within reach.

“We should focus on just this one thing first,” said Moe’Neyah Dene Holland, 19, a Black Lives Matter activist. “The other things can follow later. Because honestly, black men are dying and this is the thing we should be focusing on.”

The city prepared for the possibility that the street demonstrations could linger. On Wednesday a team from the city's Department of Transportation came through hoping to remove some of the orange barriers and replace them with planter boxes filled with coral bells and other plants to give the new pedestrian zone an air of permanence.

But when the crews started to remove the barriers, some of the protesters objected. The crew stood down....

[Some "protesters"]... said they expected the barriers to be up for weeks, until state and city leaders had done enough to meet their demands.
Here's my advice to Trump:  DON'T send in the troops.  Don't intervene in any way, because every day this insurrection continues, more voters see that Democrat policies and officials have enabled  this, indeed have encouraged it.  Let voters see this every day til the election in November.



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