June 07, 2020

Didja see Trump's latest tweet? Called protesters thugs and criminals! Awful!! Wait...

Did you see Trump's latest Tweet?  The Mainstream Media instantly condemned it as "raaacist." "Hateful."  "Heartless."  "Thoughtless."  "Insensitive."  "Divisive."

Did we mention "raaacist"?

And you can see why, right?  The statement claims the mobs that the media claim are "protesting" are actually stealing and committing arson.  That's a raacist thing to say, right?

Well it would be if Trump had said it.  But the statement above wasn't made by Trump but by a different president--one revered by the Mainstream Media:  Barack Hussein Obama, speaking about the riots that destroyed big chunks of Baltimore in 2015.

So guess it's not raaacist at all, eh?  I mean, seems hard to seriously claim that the exact same statement is raaacist if made by Trump but totally fine if uttered by Obama, eh?


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