June 08, 2020

Mayor who wants to abolish police is asked "Who do I call if someone's breaking into my house?" Doesn't answer.

Lisa Bender is the chair of the Minneapolis city council.  Lisa and her socialist friends on the council are all overcome with guilt that the excessive use of force by a clearly rogue cop may have caused* the death of George Floyd.

I think every American agrees that this was terrible.  But never fear, citizen: Lisa and her friends on the city council have the fix:  They wanna do away with city police.

Cool, eh?  I mean, when you live in a sophisticated, progressive, Democrat-ruled city, who needs cops, right?

But surprisingly, more than a few sane people are a bit...shall we say, a tiny bit skeptical of this wonderful liberal idea.  They're concerned that if liberals eliminate city police, thugs and thieves might become...shall we say, a bit more aggressive.

Of course that's just crazy-talk...a conspiracy theory pushed by raaacists.  You're not raaacist are ya, citizen?  Good, I didn't think so.  So don't object.  Cuz anyone who objects is...raaacist.  Got it?

But liberals know that even though this idea is SO great that they don't need to "sell it" to voters, they'll have a far better shot at being re-elected if they can convince voters that doing away with cops is a GREAT idea.  To do that they have another plan:  Use their media allies to push the wonderful greatness of their plan to eliminate cops.

And right on cue CNN steps up to interview Lisa Bender to help her sell this idea to raaacist, deplorable voters.
CNN talking head: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into.  Who do I call?" 

Lisa Bender: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too--and I know that that comes from a place of privilege."
If you're a careful reader you caught how artfully, how deftly Lisa answered the question "Who do I call?"  She couldn't say "The police."  And if she'd said "Call your neighbor" or "Call your pastor" it would have made it obvious that she was telling voters "Sit down, shut up, fuck you."  That would have been...um...problematical, eh? 

So she did what all liberals do when asked a question that would expose the utter stupidity of one of their proposals:  She refused to answer--knowing the friendly CNN interviewer wouldn't press her for refusing to answer.  Take a look at the vid below:


Now, if we had an independent press, someone would ask Lisa to answer the damn question.  Should be easy for a liberal swine to answer, right?  The answer, obviously, is "There won't be anyone to call, because our city doesn't have crime."  Or "You're welcome to call social services."  Or "Fuck you, you raacist."

Oh, and note what she DID say:  "I know that [?] comes from a place of privilege."

What does that mean?  Because it's lib-speak (also known as "bafflegab") it's hard to know.  Some reporter could have the balls to ASK this moron what she meant, but of course no one will, cuz doing that would expose her.

But a reasonable guess would be that she's implying that calling the police for help is something only "privileged people"--presumably meaning "white people"--can do.  But I'm confident that if you analyzed calls to police emergency lines, you'd find that blacks call the cops in very nearly their proportion of the population--in which case Lisa's comment is both false and deliberately inflammatory.

Now, a prediction:  A huge majority of the members of the Minneapolis city council claim they're for eliminating the police.  So the council could do this in two weeks if they wanted to.  BUT, I predict the national Democrat leaders will pressure the council to AVOID doing this before the November election, on the reasonable fear that eliminating the cops before the election will cost the Dems votes.


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