June 09, 2020

NPR urges whites to "purge your bookshelves" of books by white authors

National Public Radio, PBS, Public Radio International and the host of allied left-wing broadcasters, constantly push leftist propaganda.  Most recently NPR urged listeners to purge their bookshelves of any works by white authors, because...well, let's let them explain:
If you're white, take a moment to examine your bookshelf.  What do you see? 
What books and authors have you allowed to influence your worldview, and how you process the issues of racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised?
Have you considered that if you identify as white and read only the work of white authors, you are in some ways listening to an extension of your own voice on repeat?
While the details and depth of experience may differ, white voices have dominated what has been considered canon for eons. That means non-white readers have had to process stories and historical events through a white author’s lens.
SEE?!  SEE?!!!  Bet your bookshelves are filled with books mostly by white authors!  So SEE?!  You must be raaacist!  Your preference for books written by white authors like Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Kant, Spinoza, Heidegger, Feynmann, Kafka and others shows that you're clearly guilty of...how did NPR put it?  Oh yeah:  "racism and prejudice toward the disenfranchised."

See, the reason more books sold are by white authors is...prejudice!  Yep.  See, Black authors just cannot get their books published.  I mean, if you search Barnes & Noble or any top national book chain you'll only turn up a few hundred books by black authors. 

It's obviously a capitalist, patriarchal, oppressive PLOT!

So...do as NPR demands:  Throw out all your books by white authors, and buy only books by black authors.  Cuz if you don't...well, we don't wanna have to even talk about that, right?



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