June 09, 2020

Twatter and Lying Media last Friday: "A MILLION protesters are gonna descend on D.C. to protest raacism!" Wait...

Last Friday Twitter’s blue-check mafia and the fake media told us that as many as a million "protesters" were gonna march on Washington DC on Saturday to protest what a horrible, raaacist country this is, and of course would then claim Trump is to blame for most of it. 

About 10,000 showed up.  

Now 10,000 people is a good crowd, but it's only about one percent of what Twatter and the “experts” in the Lying Mainstream Media were touting.

The pro-Democrat media are doing a great job of convincing viewers and readers that America is a raaacist country, that Americans are raacists.  That's a lie, but it pushes people to vote Democrat, and that's the point of all of the media's coverage.

We just elected a black president for two terms, we before the Chinese virus hit, black unemployment had reached the lowest level since they started keeping records.  And no one is defending what happened to George Floyd.  And the number of blacks killed by police is lower than the number of whites killed by cops.

Yet according to the Lying Mainstream Media America is "systemically racist."  WTF"

There’s no systemic racism in America, and everyone knows it.  In a country of some 330 million people there will always be a few individuals who are racist-- just as there are a few who believe the Earth is flat or that Americans never walked on the moon. 

There is so little racism in America that the Democrats and media have to report of alleged incidents of racism that turn out to be hoaxes.  That is, they report fake raacist hate crimes to "prove" their point about America being raaacist.  Remember when the media told us that the white Hispanic George Zimmerman--the man who shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense--was a white racist killer? Remember how demonic media outlets like CNN and NBC went so far as to fabricate evidence against him?

Remember the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot hoax in Ferguson?

Remember the Baltimore "Freddie Gray" hoax?

Remember how almost every hate crime the media blew up after Trump was elected turned out to be a hoax, while actual hate crimes against Jews and Trump supporters were ignored?

And the media and Democrats are still lying about Trump describing the Charlottesville white supremacists as “very fine people” when he explicitly did not, and explicitly condemned them more than once.

Are a handful of people--of every race--racist?  Sure.  But there’s so little anti-black racism in America that the Mainstream Media has to invent incidents.  And many Americans know that.

Finally, consider this:  Over 700,000 people live in D.C.  Over 90 percent of D.C. residents voted for Hillary Clinton, and 350,000 DC residents are black.  So you'd think that if the DC Dems really believed America was a raaacist country, you'd get 200,000 or so to show up for the protest, eh?

Tell me again:  how many showed up?


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