June 03, 2020

NY Times jerk claims destroying property is NOT violence. Seriously, she said that.

A "reporter" for the sh*t-filled, anti-American, anti-capitalist NY Times just claimed that "destroying property is not violence."

Of course you think no one could be so astonishingly stupid as to say that, so it can't be real, eh?

Well, think again.  The moron said it, and tweeted it.  Well, at least that's what a skanky, lying website claims, so maybe it's fake news, eh?

Cuz the source is CBS.  So, you know, may be just a flat lie.

Consider this for a moment:  According to this moron, burning entire buildings, or entire blocks, is NOT violence--cuz it's "just property."

Wonder how this twit would react if a howling mob burned her house to the ground, eh?

Of course you already know exactly how she'd react:  "Thats DIFFERENT!!!!"

Of course it is, dahling.  Of course it is.  And it's merely coincidence that this is the same excuse used by every liberal-leftist when someone confronts 'em with a thing called "logic."  With their utter hypocrisy exposed for all to see, do they admit they were hypocrites?  Hardly.  Instead they sputter "That's DIFFERENT."

If you'd like an example, click here to see how fast a black "journalist" went from "I totally support mobs burning it all down" to "OMG these people look like they might burn MY neighborhood [a gated community, BTW] so they need to go the hell HOME!"


Ah.  So let me see if I've got this straight:  Burning down buildings is NOT violence.  Gosh, where have we seen "reasoning" like this before?  Oh yeah:  "War is peace."  George Orwell, in his famous (and prescient) novel "1984."

By the way:  This NY Times moron is the same idiot who claims "the founding of America" is NOT 1776 (with the Declaration of _____), nor 1789, with the signing of the ________, but 1619.

Oh.  What happened in 1619?  The first slaves landed in what were then "the colonies."  And would continue to be "the colonies" for another 157 years.

And for a REAL hoot, click the link to the CBS news twatter post, and read the comments.  Including tweets from the NY Times "reporter."  Looks like she realized how crazy her dumb-ass claim was, so she quickly started walking it back.

Wait, that would imply recognition of dumbassery, which leftists don't do.  What she's doing, in the tweet below, is explaining why she really ISN'T advocating--excusing?--destruction of property, but merely "advocating appropriate language that dignifies black life by not using language that suggests losing property is the same thing as losing your life."

Note the cunning phrasing: "...losing property."  It's like, "Dude, last night my store was right here, but now it's gone!  It makes me so mad when I lose my property like this!"

The correct phrasing is NOT "losing" property, but rather "I am advocating language that dignifies black life by rationalizing violence, arson and looting, because those are, like, totally justified if done by my black people."

Then after a commenter charges hanna-jones with "hate speech," hannah-jones gives us yet another glimpse of what passes for her "reasoning:"  Calls the poster "racist" and says more whites are murdered by other whites than by terrorists.

Say what?  By that "logic," bad cops who kill blacks must not be a problem, since 100 times more blacks are killed by other blacks!  Therefore. by her "reasoning"...


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