May 17, 2020

The folks who elected Rashida Tlaib are just like you, citizen

If you pay attention to politics you've heard about insane moonbat Rashida Tlaib.  She's a freshman congresscreep from Michigan, and she's so brazenly anti-American that you can barely believe she's not a parody.

The best indicator of where Tlaib stands is that on the night she was elected, she was caught on video screaming about President Trump, "We're gonna IMPEACH THE MOTHERF****ER!"


Most American can't imagine the folks who live in any district being crazy enough to elect Tlaib.  That's understandable--because you don't know who the majority of her constituents are, thanks to emperor Barack Hussein Obama.  So here's a look:

This was their annual march for "Ashura."  If you haven't studied Islam you likely aren't familiar with the term "Ashura."  And the "dance moves" seemed...odd.  Let me help--here's the full deal:

Keep in mind, citizen:  This is NOT a cult.  These people are NOT insane.  In fact, five of 'em are drawing salaries as congresscritters.  They're helping Pelosi's Democrats write bills that are within a hair's breadth o becoming law, like the latest $3-TRILLION "Heroes Act."

Really.  You are instructed that the people in this march are just like you, citizen. You are not to criticize them in any way.  Similarly, you are not to inquire as to how so many got here in the span of just 8 years, nor how so many came to reside in a few congressional districts.  It's not important.

The only thing to remember is Orange Man Bad.  Well, and open borders good.


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