May 16, 2020

Leftist rag lays off 55 "formerly essential" journalists. Gales of "Learn to code" ensue

"Vice" is a leftist cesspool notorious for publishing thoughful, pro-America, pro-family pieces with titles like "Was Jesus gay?" "If two related adults want to f*** but happen to be closely related, is it really a problem?"  You get the idea.

As a hard-Left cesspool, Vice strongly supported the Dictatorial Left's demands to lock down the economy, ordering everyone to stay home--unless they were essential employees, of course.

You won't be surprised to learn that not a single governor ordered any company with even a remote connection to "media" to stay home, eh?  Cuz dat would violate our dear, precious First Amendment.  And of course every Leftist is a huge defender of the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

Well, some of it, at least.  They don't like freedom of religion, or the right to keep and bear arms, or freedom of assembly, or even certain kinds of speech.  You know, speech they don't like.  But with those exceptions they're all about rights, eh?  Just ask 'em.

So with Vice being hard-Left, every employee was totes fine with salon owners and servers and everyone else getting laid off.  Didn't bother 'em a whit.  They were all just "Shut up and obey your betters, or we'll scream that you want to kill Granny!!!"

Then yesterday at 9am the company's CEO announced that 55 U.S. employees of the company were terminated.

Ooooh, suddenly things, somehow.  Shoe's on the other foot, eh?  The company's employee union quickly hit the net, bitching about the unfairness of it all.  How dare they!!

The cognitive dissonance was so obvious that it was hard not to laugh.  And Twatter erupted with variations of "Learn to code," which for the layman was the phrase sneered by the same Leftists when Barack Obama killed the coal industry, and Hilliary jumped in with "They need to learn a useful skill."

It was amazing.  Some of the thousands of comments below:

It’s for the greater good. I’m sure some service industry workers can tell them where the best food banks are and how to apply for unemployment.

If it saves even one life, all those media jobs being lost are worth it. Hell, it's worth it even if it doesn't save anyone.

We must do this as it is in the interest of everyone’s safety.

Next time they should just get Essential Jobs.  
   Wait, every job is Essential to those who rely on them to feed their families.  

It’s best to "shelter in place" to "flatten the curve" in the "new normal."  Plus, you're "safer at home."

At least now you can honestly say..."We’re all in this together!"  Before you were fired it was bullshit.

Finally some positive news from the lockdown! With luck, all the propaganda outlets will fold too! 
Wait, ten minutes ago you jerks were telling us the lockdowns must continue for 18 months!  Reapin' what you sow, eh?


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