May 16, 2020

Cuomo's order killed 5,300 elderly nursing-home residents; Media praises him for great decisions

Unless you pay very close attention to politics you probably don't know that Andrew Cuomo ordered elderly people infected with coronavirus back into their nursing homes, where they could -- and did -- infect all the other nursing home residents and kill thousands of them.

He did this deliberately. Why?

It's hard to think of a sound reason.  These people could have been isolated in the thousands of unused temporary hospital berths built to... well, to keep coronavirus patients isolated.  But instead Cuomo ordered nursing homes to accept them, which allowed them to infect other elderly people who had a very high risk of dying from the disease.

And die they did.  By the thousands.  And all the while, as thousands were dying, the Lying Mainstream Media constantly praised Cuomo.  Several networks gave him two hours of live TV coverage every day, with no hard questions.

This as Cuomo's order killed 5,300 in nursing homes.

The Left and their media allies scream that governors who want to lift the lockdowns in their states "have blood on their hands" for permitting businesses to reopen.  Yet when their darling, Andrew Cuomo, issues an order causing 5,300 extremely at-risk people to die, the media ignores it.

If Andrew Cuomo were a Republican the Media would be screaming bloody murder.  But since he's not just a Democrat, but their front-runner for replacing Joe Biden, they're ignoring the story.

Six weeks after ordering nursing homes to accept infected people, housing them next to uninfected but high-risk residents, Cuomo rescinded the order... on May 11th.

Cuomo knew a shitstorm was coming -- so he secretly installed a provision into a law barring people from suing nursing homes for Coronavirus deaths.
In late March, as it became clear that New York was facing a catastrophic outbreak of the coronavirus, aides to Gov. Cuomo quietly inserted a provision--on page 347 of his state’s huge budget bill--to shield nursing homes from being sued lawsuits for failure to protect residents from death caused by the coronavirus. .
Now, weeks later, more than 5,300 residents of nursing homes in New York are believed to have died from the outbreak, and their relatives are now discovering that because of the provision on page 347 they can't sue nursing-home operators over allegations of negligence.
So all of these people with dead parents now find they are barred by the provision sneaked into state law from suing.  And Cuomo didn't do this to protect nursing home operators, but to protect himself.  Because what defense do you think the nursing homes will use if they were sued for the deaths of 5,300?

That's right: We aren't liable because we were obeying the governor's order!  He ORDERED us to do the obviously stupid thing of admitting infected people instead of sending them to the hospital, as any sane person would have.  So SUE CUOMO, because he ordered us to do the thing that resulted in the death of your parents.
And that would look bad for Andrew Cuomo.

Far better for the governor to bar those whose parents and granparents died because of his order from suing, eh?

H/T Ace of Spades.


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