May 17, 2020

Media: "Da U.S. has, like, MORE deaths than Britain!! SEE, Trump's incompetent!" Wait...

The Lying Mainstream Media has screamed that "the U.S. has far more coronavirus deaths than the U.K."  According to the media that's proof that Trump bungled the response to the virus, and we should vote for Biden (or whatever Democrat the party settles on) in November.

So let's take a look:  As of today the U.K. has 34,546 deaths, while the U.S. has 88,230.

"SEE?!!   We told you deplorables that your awful Orange President was incompetent!"

But wait a second...seems to me that there are a lot more Americans than Brits--about 334 million versus 68 million.  If the Lying Media wanted a fair comparison (I know, right?) they'd compare the death RATES in the two countries.

Turns out the U.S. has about 4.8 times more people but only about 2.6 times the virus deaths.  So actually we're doing LOTS BETTER than the U.K.

Ya sure wouldn't get that idea from the Lying Mainstream Media, eh?  Shocked, right?


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