May 31, 2020

"Protesting" in Portland

Journalist Andy Ngo gets far better videos of the burning, looting vandals than you'll see on cable television--let alone on the over-the-air nets (which carefully show as little of the REAL agenda as possible).  Unlike CNN and the other nets, which work in teams of 4 or 5, Ngo masks up and wades into the thick of the action.  So his vids capture what the Nets miss.

He's noticed something...interesting--something that totally destroys the Narrative of the Left and the Mainstream Media that the "protests" (ah, such an innocuous term, eh?) are related to the death of George Floyd.

There's no doubt that many of the protesters weren't there to burn, loot and destroy.  But it didn't take long--a matter of hours, in fact--before the arsonists and thieves arrived.  And now we see a huge number of anarchists, like Antifa, whose seem to be only interested in attacking banks and other businesses.

In the vid below you'll see an almost entirely white mob attacking a bank-like business in Portland. Members of the mob take turns using a sling with a metal ball on the end to try to break the front doors, but fail.  Then another group succeeds in breaking a side window (on the left of the frame).  They enter, and promptly start breaking out huge windows from the inside.

At the same time another anarchist/vandal paints "Burn the banks" on the wall.

This has fuck-all to do with George Floyd.  It's anarchy.  Cops should shoot every last one of the little bastards.


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