May 30, 2020

More riots. Wait...have Democrats said we can call it "rioting"? After all, it's just burning and looting

Black rioters--wait, my bad: "protesters" attack the state capitol building of Ohio.  Cuz da Ohio cops done killed one of their tribe.

Nah, just kidding.  It was a bad cop in Minneapolis.  So naturally, the tribe takes it out on the capitol building in...Ohio. 

According to the Lying Mainstream Media, rioting is really just a legitimate form of protest.  Jus' like white folk do when some black guy shoots elderly white people visiting their son's grave, or beating a bed-ridden 75-year-old in a nursing home--for eight minutes!  While videoing himself beating the guy, then posting it on the internet!

You DID hear about those ghastly attacks, right?  Surely you did, cuz all da white folk were so furious dey burned down all dem buildings all across da country.  Oh wait...

Okay, sarcasm off:  I have yet to hear anyone who doesn't think the abuse of George Floyd by a Minneapolis cop--abuse that may have caused his death--was awful.  But why burn buildings in 12 cities?

Oh, dat's right:  because there is NO down-side for looting and burning.  And why is that?

Because dumbshit liberal politicians refuse to let cops clear the streets--with miniguns.

See, most adults know that if your child does something horribly wrong, and you do nothing, the child simply does it again and again.  No punishment means you get more of it.  Same now.


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