May 29, 2020

A rare win for sanity

As Americans watch Minneapolis and other cities burned by looters and rioters, it buries the occasional few notes of sanity.  So allow me...

Eighteen states, plus Washington DC, have RULED that males can compete AS WOMEN in womens' sports.

Let that insanity sink in for a minute.

The males, of course, have delcared that they're really female--and as a result, the rulers of leftist states immediately jumped to do their bidding.

Now:  Does anyone other than whiny, mentally-unbalanced snowflakes think this it's reasonable or fair to let males compete against females in sports?

If you have a daughter who's a competitive athlete it only took you a millisecond to find the answer.  But if you're a Democrat legislator or governor, or a social saboteur (like a "man" we're about to meet), you get the opposite answer.  Hmmm....

So here we go:  Connecticut is a totally Democrat-ruled state.  Like the "progressive" rulers of 17 other states, the legislators passed a LAW saying you couldn't "discriminate" against people on the basis of "their preferred gender."

Sounds SO righteous and innocuous, eh?  Totally wunnerful!  How could ANYONE complain about not discriminating, right? a millisecond the screwy head of the state's "Interscholastic Athletic Conference" interpreted this law as demanding that males be allowed to compete against women.  You might well wonder how he did that.  Here ya go:
"Connecticut law is clear and students who identify as female are to be recognized as female for all purposes -- including high school sports.  To do otherwise would not only be discriminatory but would deprive high school students of the meaningful opportunity to participate in educational activities, including inter-scholastic sports, based on sex-stereotyping and prejudice sought to be prevented by Title IX and Connecticut state law."
See how deftly he did that?  The legislature passed what seemed to be a very unobjectionable law forbidding discrimination...and in a millisecond an activist in a power position rules that the law FORCES him (?) to make this bizarre rule.

Cool, eh?

So...after two trannies began sweeping female track events, real females complained to the dipshit who ran the "Interscholastic Athletic Conference"--which had exactly the effect you expected: none whatsoever.

Hey, "rules are rules," right?  So sit down and shut up!  The LAW forced us to do this!

Fortunately in this case a reason-defending legal organization helped 'em write a formal complaint to the federal Dept of Education, which tells schools what Title IX actually means.  And after six months or so, the department agreed with the real girls.

Now for the twist: After the rational ruling from the federal department, the feds sat down with the states to negotiate how to proceed.  Amazingly, the state reps told the feds to go pound sand.

Just like California and other "sanctuary states" have told the feds "We won't comply" with federal immigration law.  And corrupt federal judges have supported the lawless states.

Cool, eh?

See, sometimes the courts rule that all states must comply with federal law, and sometimes they go the other way.  For example, when emperor Obama was prez, a federal judge ruled that Arizona could NOT enforce federal immigration law by jailing illegal immigrants and turning 'em over to the feds.  The rationale was that immigration law was the SOLE province of the federal government, and the states were not allowed to help.  That is, state law had to yield.

But the moment Trump was elected, leftist federal judges turned on a dime, ruling that states could now defy federal immigration law in any way they wished.  That is, federal law was no longer superior to state law.

Gotta love those flexible rules, eh?

Source for the Title IX complaint:


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