May 29, 2020

Ever notice that the Media only show you total cases and deaths due to the virus? "Innumeracy"

Sadly, most people are "innumerate."

If you're a college-age American you may not have run across that term before.  It's like "illiterate" but for math instead of reading.  So how does that apply here?

Here ya go:  If you've been paying attention you've probably seen the running count of  "cases of the Chinese virus," and "deaths."  If so you've almost certainly noticed that both those numbers are
     a) really scary-high; AND
     b) always increasing!

(That last was tongue-in-cheek.)

Of course every single member of the Lying Media, without exception, shows you the TOTAL number of cases and deaths reportedly caused by the Chinese virus, which naturally leads you to believe that's the critical metric.  And totally by coincidence, of course, Dems and the media use total deaths to condemn Trump for being too slow to close our borders to Chinese flights. 

At least that's what they did after they called Trump a racist for closing our borders to Chinese flights.

But a far more relevant figure is
How many NEW cases and deaths happened yesterday, or this week?
See, the number of NEW cases and deaths each day tells you how rapidly the "plandemic" is subsiding.  Which could be used to reassure Americans that lifting the lockdowns is reasonable.

Which, of course, is why the Lying Mainstream Media will never give you the "cases yesterday" figure.

So the only thing Americans ever see--graphs of TOTAL cases and deaths--constantly increase.  Which looks really scary.  "OMG we're all gonna DIE!!" 

The media WANT you to be scared, cuz if people are scared they'll support re-imposing the lockdowns because of fears of the "spike" every so-called expert has predicted.  Keeps the economy dead--which wins the election for the Democrats.

Innumerate, baby.  The Mainstream Media count on it.  And they're not disappointed.


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