May 30, 2020

Governor of Minnesota

The governor of Minnesota is Tim Walz.  He's a Democrat--something rarely mentioned in news stories about the mass arson, mass looting and rioting in Minneapolis, cuz reasons.

When the arson and looting began, Walz and the Democrat mayor of Minneapolis both decided the right action to take was to praise the riots as "protests," "legitimate rage and anger."  Of course calling arson and looting the equivalent of peaceful protests shows a certain lack of...basic intelligence.

Never fear: Walz had a solution.  "We'll order a curfew.  That will show our sensitivity to the legitimate rage and anger, while also showing that we won't put up with people burning buildings and looting--even though we're not sure that happened.  Cuz, bad press, eh?"

Guess no one on the governor's staff pointed out that anyone who's looting or burning buildings has already shown they don't care jack about your damn curfew.  And it worked as well as you might guess.

Here's Walz in his own words:

“The tactics and the approach that we have taken have evolved and need to evolve the same way, with a sensitivity to the legitimate rage and anger that came after what the world witnessed in the murder of George Floyd and was manifested in a very healthy gathering of community to memorialize that Tuesday night, which was still present to a certain degree on Wednesday.  By Thursday it was nearly gone and last night is a mockery of pretending this is about George Floyd’s death or inequities or historical traumas to our communities of color.”
Sounds like a really incisive thinker.  So now what, Tim?  Oooh, too late:  The riots and arson and looting have spread to copycat cities across the U.S.  But of course that wasn't your fault.  You just showed the looters that there wasn't going to be any punishment for looting and burning, and the rest of the pro-looting crowd made the obvious conclusion.


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