February 29, 2020

Dems love socialism; Lying Mainstream Media agrees. But Cuba shows us the truth

Your Lying Mainstream Media are totally in the tank for Democrats.  And all the top Democrat presidential candidates except Bloomberg enthusiastically push a system called...socialism.

But most rational Americans over the age of 40 know socialism sucks, which poses a huge problem for the Mainstream Media:  To give the Democrats a chance to win the presidency, the Media have to convince Americans that, far from being horrible, socialism is actually faaaabulous.

And never fear, citizen:  Your Lying MSM is perfectly willing to do that.

The nearest socialist country to us is Cuba.  For young Americans, Cuba was taken over by socialism (communism) in 1959, when Fidel Castro led an army to overthrow Cuba's former leader.  And if you get your information from the Lying MSM, you think Cuba has been a roaring success ever since.

Do a quick social media search for “Cuba.” You'll see colorful images of men in suits smoking cigars and driving vintage cars, brightly colored buildings, pics of Hollywood celebs walking the streets of Havana, and pictures of President Obama enjoying a baseball game with communist dictator Raúl Castro.

But all these images are part of a carefully crafted Narrative (i.e. a fable) designed to deceive visitors. The communist government of Cuba carefully hides the reality, and American media goes along with the deception, leading Americans to believe socialism must be great.  But the reality is long lines for bread, gasoline and most foods, and crippling poverty.

Last fall an American video crew went to Havana to see for themselves.

They report that food is rationed by the government.  Most housing is government-provided, but since no one maintains it, it's mostly crumbling and dirty.  What were once beautiful mansions (built in pre-communist times) have been divided into tiny apartments that have fallen into decay because there are no private owners to maintain them, and the government spends its money on other things.  For Cubans over 60 the old mansions are a haunting reminder of the prosperity of the country before the communist takeover.

Communism destroyed Cuba's prosperity in a single generation.  Yet the Democrat candidates for president breezily ignore the evidence, and continue to praise and push socialist policies.  How can they ignore the evidence (which is also visible in Venezuela--once the richest nation in all of Latin America)?

Young Americans in particular love Dem/socialist policies because they promise "FREE" stuff.  And because schools don't teach a single word about socialism, no young American has the education or knowledge of history to have any idea of what socialism actually delivers to citizens.

Naive Americans believe socialism works because the Mainstream Media tell Americans--every single day--that Trump and conservatives lie to them, but that the Democrat pols tell the truth.  If the top Dem political candidates say socialism is workable, and the Media don't call 'em on this lie, young Americans have no reason not to believe them.

One of the fundamental problems of socialism is that no one except a tiny minority of government officials has any incentive to improve anything.  In a capitalist system almost anyone with a good idea and drive can start a small business and grow, but in a socialist/communist system this is virtually impossible.

The Mainstream Media have managed to convince Democrat voters that our economy is almost entirely run by big corporations, and that those corporations are eeevil.  But in fact small businesses account for roughly two-thirds of all economic activity.  Take away the incentive and that economic activity vanishes--along with its benefits. 

And of course socialist governments rarely allow large corporations to exist, since the socialists view them as potential rivals for power.

Take away both small businesses and large companies, and what does that leave?  Inefficient, wasteful government bureaucracies (think of your local department of Motor Vehicles, times a thousand), trying to predict production targets and prices for thousands of different items needed to satisfy the needs of everyone in the country.  Impossible.

Hopefully you're starting to understand.  The big question is, will enough Americans understand that socialism will always, always give awful results to avoid electing a socialist president in November?


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