Quid pro quo? Threatening to withhold funds? Extortion? Yep, but by Democrat v.p. Joe Biden
Two days before the start of the senate trial on whether to convict president Trump of "high crimes and misdemeanors"--the Constitutional criterion for removal--CNN invited a Democrat congresscreep to make his party's case for removing the president of the United States.
One of the guy's points was to claim that Trump had "tried to bribe" the Ukrainian government. Regardless of the truth of that claim, it's a bombshell because bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a crime that warrants removal..
But the CNN host noted something...odd...about that claim. If the congressman was telling the truth, she asked, why wasn't attempted bribery made one of the two articles of impeachment?
Note that neither of the actual articles passed by Pelosi's party constitutes a "high crime," so if the Dems actually thought Trump had attempted to bribe Ukraine, making that one of the articles would greatly help their party remove him from office, eh?
Well, the Democreep responded by dodging the question, going into a long BS speech full of nonsensical illogic, as you can hear for yourself. Lines like "He's [Trump] endangering our troops." Really?
And, “You know, we have to look at the entire context of what happened here.” That's code for "We can't find specific wrongdoing but we'll impeach him cuz we don't think he should be president."
And here's the twist: The congressman in question is one of the Democrat case managers Pelosi hand-picked for the trial. So you'd think he should be totally familiar with every nuance and legal argument relating to the case. And yet his response was essentially "Well he did it but we didn't think we needed to add it to the articles."
What crap. Which brings us to Joe Biden, who most certainly DID threaten the government of Ukraine that if it didn't fire a prosecutor Biden wanted fired, the country wouldn't get a U.S. loan guarantee that would allow them to get a billion-dollar loan. Yes, billion.

In case you didn't see it--and you didn't--here's the f'n VIDEO of the corrupt Biden bragging about how he extorted the leaders of Ukraine to get them to fire their national prosecutor, who was investigating the corrupt million-dollar-a-year no-work "job" given to Biden's son by a Ukrainian energy company. [The date on the above graphic is wrong, should be 2016.]
Biden--who was then vice-president--threatened to withhold a billion-dollar U.S. loan guarantee from Ukraine if that nation's leaders didn't fire the prosecutor whose investigations threatened to expose his corruption. He gave the Ukrainians six hours to fire the prosecutor or they wouldn't get the loan.
Biden's own words--at around one minute into the video--are "If the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money." And sure enough, just hours later the government fired that prosecutor.
Listen to the reaction of the Democrat audience to Biden's statement in the video: they laughed.
Corruption by Democrat pols gets a laugh. But then the same Democrat pols scream that a non-threat by Trump is an impeachable offense? What total bullshit.
This is how corrupt the Democrat pols are. Biden's threat was extortion. Dems laughed at how he cowed the Ukrainian leasders.
One of the guy's points was to claim that Trump had "tried to bribe" the Ukrainian government. Regardless of the truth of that claim, it's a bombshell because bribery is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a crime that warrants removal..
But the CNN host noted something...odd...about that claim. If the congressman was telling the truth, she asked, why wasn't attempted bribery made one of the two articles of impeachment?
Note that neither of the actual articles passed by Pelosi's party constitutes a "high crime," so if the Dems actually thought Trump had attempted to bribe Ukraine, making that one of the articles would greatly help their party remove him from office, eh?
Well, the Democreep responded by dodging the question, going into a long BS speech full of nonsensical illogic, as you can hear for yourself. Lines like "He's [Trump] endangering our troops." Really?
And, “You know, we have to look at the entire context of what happened here.” That's code for "We can't find specific wrongdoing but we'll impeach him cuz we don't think he should be president."
And here's the twist: The congressman in question is one of the Democrat case managers Pelosi hand-picked for the trial. So you'd think he should be totally familiar with every nuance and legal argument relating to the case. And yet his response was essentially "Well he did it but we didn't think we needed to add it to the articles."
What crap. Which brings us to Joe Biden, who most certainly DID threaten the government of Ukraine that if it didn't fire a prosecutor Biden wanted fired, the country wouldn't get a U.S. loan guarantee that would allow them to get a billion-dollar loan. Yes, billion.

In case you didn't see it--and you didn't--here's the f'n VIDEO of the corrupt Biden bragging about how he extorted the leaders of Ukraine to get them to fire their national prosecutor, who was investigating the corrupt million-dollar-a-year no-work "job" given to Biden's son by a Ukrainian energy company. [The date on the above graphic is wrong, should be 2016.]
Biden--who was then vice-president--threatened to withhold a billion-dollar U.S. loan guarantee from Ukraine if that nation's leaders didn't fire the prosecutor whose investigations threatened to expose his corruption. He gave the Ukrainians six hours to fire the prosecutor or they wouldn't get the loan.
Biden's own words--at around one minute into the video--are "If the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money." And sure enough, just hours later the government fired that prosecutor.
Listen to the reaction of the Democrat audience to Biden's statement in the video: they laughed.
Corruption by Democrat pols gets a laugh. But then the same Democrat pols scream that a non-threat by Trump is an impeachable offense? What total bullshit.
This is how corrupt the Democrat pols are. Biden's threat was extortion. Dems laughed at how he cowed the Ukrainian leasders.
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