January 18, 2020

NBC: "Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution. Can they be stopped?"

Okay, this is starting to get serious:  The "news" division of Trump-hating NBC has posted an opinion piece headlined

 "Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution.  Can they be stopped?"

The piece is crammed so full of lies that it's hard to believe NBC would really publish it on their website, but they did. 

The author claims that a) large numbers of white people in the U.S. are racists, and that b) it follows that their votes are motivated "at least in part by racism."  Then he claims c) "Donald Trump ran an openly racist campaign for president."  He claims that even his campaign's uplifting, non-exclusionary slogan "Make America great again" was really a secret code for advocating more power for whites.  The author cites as "proof" the fact that "White voters approved of [MAGA] by a whopping 58 to 37 percent."

Seriously, they published all that.  Here's the opening quote:
If the Trump era has taught us anything, it's that large numbers of white people in the United States are motivated at least in part by racism in the voting booth. Donald Trump ran an openly racist campaign for president, calling Mexicans rapists and criminals, regularly retweeting white supremacists and at least initially balking at repudiating former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Trump made it clear in his campaign that "Make America Great Again" meant that America was greater when white people's power was more sweeping and more secure. White voters approved of that message by a whopping 58 percent to 37 percent.
Of course the high approval rating by whites doesn't prove anything about racism--just that a lot of voters liked Trump, for whatever reason.  But the author's citation of the stat gives you an idea of how lousy his "reasoning" is.  And a clue that he's a propagandist.

Here's the very next 'graf:
Other commentators try to parse whether Trump's racism will be a winning strategy in 2020.
What he just did was to take his bullshit claim that Trump is raaaacist as fact, without ever coming even clost to proving the claim.  Again, clues that the author is writing propaganda. 

The author then cites a book by a law professor, who claims that "rather than try to figure out how to live with" the choices of supposedly raaacist voters, their votes are somehow illegal.  And that it follows that the gruberment "has the ability and the responsibility to address it."
Terry Smith, a visiting professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, offers a different response in his new book, "Whitelash: Unmasking White Grievance at the Ballot Box." Rather than excuse racist voters or try to figure out how to live with their choices, he argues that racist voting is not just immoral, but illegal. The government, Smith says, has the ability, and the responsibility, to address it.
 Now, when a leftist/communist makes incendiary claims like Smith does, and then screams that the gruberment must "address it," he doesn't mean we should have an adult discussion over tea.  Far from it.  Instead he wants the gruberment to invalidate the votes of anyone Smiths "deep-state" allies accuse of letting racism influence their vote.

Of course many Americans may be curious as to how the hell the deep state's agents would know what factors influenced a person to vote as he or she did, eh? 

Yeah, that would seem to be a tough problem.  But not for Smith and the NBC author.  No, they have a solution!

And it is...raaacism is supposedly worse in the South.  So Smith wants the gruberment to simply wipe out ("invalidate") some percentage of Southern votes--presumably for Republican candidates.

Later he argues that 
a big step toward reducing the power of racism at the ballot box...would be ending the use of Voter IDs intended to disenfranchise black voters
Once again he takes as fact something never proven.  Voter ID laws are intended to reduce vote fraud, period.  Opponents of such laws wail that the cost is unfair to poor blacks, but states that have passed such laws have offered ID free.  Of course that's not good enough for Democrat activists (nothing short of total surrender by conservatives ever is).

Finally, Smith bitches about the fact that southern states tend to have Republican Senators.  Dat's unfair!  So he wants to make things fair by carving out black senate districts, just as activists demanded that House districts be gerrymandered so blacks could be elected to congress.

(For college-age Americans, gerrymandering means drawing district boundaries in weird, serpentine lines, often making a district 50 miles long but only a few blocks wide in places, to produce majority-black districts.)

But immediately after wailing that this is needed, and even though that practice worked to benefit blacks in House races, Smith calls gerrymandering racist.
Seriously.  The quote:
Over the last decade, an increasingly conservative Supreme Court has gutted the Voting Rights Act and upheld racist gerrymandering.
Which is it, a**hole?  If it's raaaacist, how come you want EXACTLY that practice to be used to create "black" Senate seats, huh?

This guy is crazy.  The article is an outrage.  But it shows how they're thinking.  They want to abolish the Electoral College system so they can win the presidency forever.

And bear in mind that for all practical purposes the only way to get an opinion piece published if the outfit you submit it to agrees with what you say.  So the execs at NBC apparently agree.


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