January 19, 2020

Harvard Law Review proposes to "fix" our election system--by making 127 states in Washington DC!

The communists who infest Harvard have decreed that our electoral system is "broken."

You may well wonder how they arrived at this conclusion.  Simple:  Hilliary lost the 2016 election to the dread OrangeManBad, Donald Trump.  That's all the "proof" they needed..

On learning that, many of you may well be thinking "Hey Harvard communist freaks, shit happens!  Get over it, like the rest of us did when idiots elected the Muslim socialist Obama!"

But Hahvahd is totally immune to such reasoning, cuz they're..."elites."  And because the vast majority of high-level posts in government are filled with Hahvahd grads (okay, a few Yalies too), they expect they can force whatever result they want, regardless of what YOU want, and regardless of whether what they want violates that ancient document called the Constitution.

So they propose to "fix" our supposedly-flawed election system by...wait for it.. creating, by decree, 254 new senators.  And what states will these new royalty represent, you ask?

Why, the Hahvahd swells propose to divide Democrat-ruled Washington DC into 127 neighborhoods, and to give each of these micro-micro-states not one but TWO senators.  And one congresscreep.

Since DC votes 98 percent Democrat, the swells at Hahvahd have already calculated that every last one of these 381 new electoral votes they've created will go for the Democrat candidate.

See, I told you they were smaht.  Really, really smaht.

Naturally you can't believe any sane person would be so f'n brazen as to propose such an outrage.  So anticipating your skepticism, here's the link...to the damn Harvard Law Review.  

NOW:  If this country had an honest, unbiased mainstream media some hotshot--maybe we could call him a "reporter"--would deluge the grandees at Hahvahd about how this is even remotely reasonable.  If that happened, and the People got wind of this, I suspect Hahvahd would quickly trot out the ol' "Oh, did you think that was a serious proposal?  That was just satire, citizen!  Gosh, you're gullible if you thought that was a serious proposal!"

But of course no mainstream "reporter" will ask.  And Hahvahd won't give an interview to any conservative reporter.  Maybe Sharyl Atkisson could manage it, but she's got a pretty full plate right now fighting the FBI assholes who hacked her computer four years ago, so....

And the proposal is serious.  Not satire.

So here's their next move:  "In the spirit of bi-partisan governance, we're willing to compromise!  We're not like those awful, awful Rethuglicans, who refuse to compromise with us reasonable Democrats, so as a fair way to resolve this and "move forward" we'll offer to concede on giving each of 'em a congressman as well as two senators. 

So instead of 381 new electoral votes for DC's 127 new neighborhood-states, we're willing to settle for just 254. Isn't that generous of us?"

Then if anyone complains the Democrat leadership (and the media) will accuse the complaining party of refusing to negotiate..

Remember, you heard it here first.


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