January 20, 2020

Bank robber released without bail due to NYC's new law robs six banks in two weeks--one just 4 HOURS after release

Meet Gerod Woodberry of New York City.  After racking up five convictions for bank robbery in South Carolina Gerod decided to head for the Big Apple after he heard they'd just passed a law that would release robbers, muggers, arsonists and so on without them having to post a penny for bail.

So after reaching NY, Gerod went into business (so to speak) right away:  On Jan 8th he was caught after robbing his fourth Manhattan bank in 9 days.

Sure enough, the brain trusts in NYC let him walk out without a making him post a penny for bail.

Just four hours after being released on the charge of robbing four banks, police said he walked into yet another bank and handed a teller a note demanding money. The teller gave him about $1,000.

Cops didn't catch him for that one, so six days later he robbed yet another bank.

Americans can't help being impressed with liberal policies:  "Let 'em out with no bail and they won't commit any more crimes"?   Sure, what impeccable logic.  And it's working!  Just like you thought it would.  And probably just how they secretly knew it would, but passed the law anyway.

Cuz we pols don' wanna' spen' no mo' money on jails.  So let's let 'em all out.  What do we care if they rob and kill more people?  Insurance covers businesses, and everyone has to die sometime anyway, right?  So why make life harder for these po' folk by keepin' 'em in jail til their trial?


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