October 01, 2019

New mainstream-media meme: "Democrats are SAD about beginning impeachment. Really!"

For months now, most Democrat politicians have been positively giddy, salivating, about the prospect of impeaching President Trump.  But now that voters are starting to take the prospect of impeachment more seriously, the same Dem pols seem to be changing their tune a bit:

Specifically, "Did some silly stringer for Fox or Breitbart or the WSJ say our party was eager to impeach the president?  That we'd be shouting with glee, dancing in the streets and cheering if we did it?  Perish the thought!  We're actually...[sniff!]...sad about it."

"Really!  Seriously!  We're all terribly sad!  Crestfallen!  So saddened by the thought of impeachment that we can barely drag ourselves before the TV cameras to tell Americans how sad we are about...[sniff...choke]...the prospect of impeaching this noble, misunderstood dictator.  This Hitleresque wannabe.  This horrible raaacist who is trying to block foreigners from sneaking into this country and getting on free medical care, which all our candidates eagerly said they suppo... Wait, the important point--what we want all our allies in the media to run as lead stories or headlines--is how devastated all us Democrats are about impeachment."

"Yeah, that's what matters."


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