October 01, 2019

Dem wanna-be dictator Kamala Harris says Twitter should suspend the president's account

In high school they told you freedom of speech was guaranteed by the First Amendment.  But apparently Democrats running for president don't like that idea.

Yesterday charmless Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris demanded that President Trump's twatter account should be suspended, because she didn't like what he tweeted.

Naturally you can't believe that.  It's just too "over the top," too outrageous.  Too brazen.  Cuz if the scummy opportunist Harris would deprive the president of free speech, do you think she'd hesitate to take it away from us "little people"?

Harris told CNN,
"Frankly, when you look at what he's been tweeting today directed at the whistleblower, directed at so many people, you know, I, frankly, think that based on this and all we've seen him do before, including attacking members of Congress, that he, frankly, should be -- his Twitter account should be suspended.  The privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him."
When asked if she thought suspending Trump’s Twitter account could be seen as taking away the president's right of free speech, Harris doubled down, saying
"If he's not going to exercise self-restraint, perhaps there should be other mechanisms in place to make sure that his words do not, in fact, harm anyone.  And that's my point. What we want to make sure is that his words do not actually result in harm to anyone."
Here's a little mental exercise for y'all: How do ya think the Lying Mainstream Media would react if Trump urged social media to suspend the account of Kamala Harris?

Of course.  You know the media and every f'n Democrat politician would scream bloody murder.  "He's acting like a dictator!!!!!" 

Yet when their own darling suggests exactly the same thing, CNN didn't bat an eye.  Not a single media outlet wrote or uttered a critical word.

Click here for source story. 


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