October 01, 2019

Portland will remove all urinals from multi-story city building, replacing them with...uh, what?

You may have noticed that liberals and socialists are constantly telling the rest of us how much they (supposedly) care about the environment. 

This probably makes them feel superior to the rest of us deplorables--something they seem to believe is true.  But equally important, it signals to their fellow liberals how wonderfully f'n virtuous they are.

Now:  It should be obvious that people need fresh water.  Just about 8 years ago California was in the grip of a dire drought.  Reservoirs were running dry.  The state mandated water rationing.  So you'd think that if some deplorable, AWFUL businessman proposed a plan that would change a perfectly workable system so doing the same job would onsume another few million gallons of precious water every year, these so, SO virtuous ecological defenders would scream to high heaven, and try to charge the person proposing the change charged with some sort of environmental crime.

Yeah, you'd think that.  But as we've all seen, the left has a "pecking order," in which they'll happily sacrifice a cause they stridently, screamingly supported last week to support a cause they consider more important.

In this case, the liberal-run city of Portland, Oregon, has decided that to avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of "transgender" persons, the city will ban...wait for it...urinals from city buildings.

Now, for those who don't pay much attention to plumbing issues, urinals use far, FAR less water than a sit-down fixture--on the order of a pint of water for the former versus 12 times more for the latter.  So if one is even remotely conscious about wasting vital resources, the notion of replacing every urinal with a fixture that uses 12 times more water is, to put it mildly, crazy.

Nut city.  Looney tunes.

But for leftists in city government, it's perfectly reasonable.  And they're about to remodel a city office building by removing all the perfectly good, efficient urinals with more wasteful fixtures--even in mens' restrooms!

A nameless city spokeswoman told the local TV station not a single city official was "available" to explain exactly why the city ordered that urinals be replaced with far-more-wasteful fixtures.

Oh, you bet.  Cuz anyone who went on-camera would have to explain why the city would junk perfectly good, efficient fixtures and replace 'em with more wasteful ones. The bullshit reason--stated in an email from a city honcho last February--was that this would give 'em "more flexibility in signage."  This, of course, is horse-shit.  They're going to a HUGE expense to kow-tow to trannies.

And using 12 times more water.  But it's all worth it, citizen.  Just ask Portland's virtue-signalling leftists.

(To see the original story click here.)


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