October 04, 2019

Free advertising for any media-darling Democrat: Gushing magazine cover

"Time Magazine" has been slobberingly, outrageously pro-Dem for decades.  But they still have lots of influence with Democrats, independents and other morons socialists--who collectively comprise roughly 55 percent of American voters.

Of course every single employee at Time hates Trump, and thinks everyone who voted for him is deplorable, dumb and unsophisticated.  But you need to pay attention to them, citizen.  Really.  Because their editors and execs went to da vewwy best universities.  So they're, like, really smaht.

And you'll never guess who these really smaht people put on their latest cover.  Take a look:

They did this because they need to have a backup candidate in case the new Democrat darling--Elizabeth "I never ever claimed to be Native American, really" Warren--stumbles.

Another reason is that if Warren gets too big a lead, a few million Dem voters may get bored with the super-exciting race for the Dem nomination, reducing magazine sales and viewers for those incredibly exciting, hard-hitting Dem debates--which of course are actually free advertising for the Democrat party.

This is actually why the Democrats recruited Bernie Sanders to run against the totally-certain-to-win Hilliary in 2016:  keep the interest high.  Make people think there was a real race.

Except Bernie made things TOO exciting, by almost edging Hills out for the nomination.  Oooh, can't have that, eh?

Anyway, Kamala is currently polling at 5 percent or so, against 41% for Lie-a-watha.  But don't count her out, cuz the Lying Mainstream Media can do wonders to boost whoever they want.

Or impeach whoever they hate.


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