Seattle public schools adopt "Math is raaacist, used to oppress people of color!" bullshit
If you're lucky enough to live in flyover country, one of your many good fortunes is that most of your kids' teachers generally support America as we've known it.
But in liberal shit-hole cities that's not the case: With vanishingly few exceptions, school boards and school administrators in those Democrat-ruled cesspools support socialism/communism, and are eager to destroy capitalism.
Of course you don't believe that. It's just too "over the top" to be true, eh? You think no American could possibly support or tolerate communism in the public schools, right?
Well, take a look below at how the decision-makers in Seattle's thoroughly anti-American public schools have decided to teach something as non-political and non-oppressive as...math.
Most people correctly regard math as politically neutral, like the law of universal gravitation. It's a tool. It has no politics. But the communists who absolutely rule Seattle's school system see math as something that's being used by an un-named group (gee, I wonder who they think it is?) to oppress people of color.
Of course you can't believe anyone could possibly be that obtuse. Well take a look at the highlighted phrases below: "Power and oppression" is a favorite phrase used by communists to create anger and resentment in a target country, by convincing all minority members, and poor people, that they're oppressed.
You convince people that some group--like "Western civilization"--has "disenfranchised" them. Thus we see the claim that "ancient mathematical knowledge has been appropriated by Western culture," and "has been and continues to be used to oppress and marginalize people and communities of color."
If you're curious as to who is behind this particular line of revolutionary bullshit, it's definitely standard communist revolutionary rhetoric, but in the U.S. the current pusher seems to be an "education professor" at the U of Illinois by the name of Rochelle Gutierrez. Rochelle's famous phrase is "Math is raaacist." Seriously.
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Rochelle Gutierrez: "Math is raaacist!" |
Unless Democrats in shit-hole cities suddenly wake up, the answer is definitely no. The inevitable, predictable result will be more minorities rejecting any conclusions based on math, and fewer minorities with any proficiency in math.
But don't worry, citizen: Your miserably corrupt congress will compensate for any shortage of Americans proficient in math by simply increasing the number of foreigners they'll allow to work in the U.S. under H-1B visas. So hey, no problem.
But meanwhile, increasing numbers of innumerate minorities will continue to vote for more supposedly-free stuff. Cuz deficits are literally meaningless to people who believe math is "a tool used by Western societies to oppress people and communities of color."
Thanks, Rochelle! Thanks, you morons running (ruining) Seattle public schools!
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